Official Web Site

The International

Workshop on Applied Modelling and Simulation

WAMS Program

co-located with


NATO CAX Forum Program

Scientific Sponsorship of Simulation Team, M&S Net, MITIM Genoa, DIPTEM University of Genoa, Liophant Simulation, MSC-LES
in Joint Cooperation with M&S COE

September 24-27, 2012
Ergife Palace Hotel - Rome, Italy

WAMS Conference

The 5th WAMS concentrates on Applications of Simulation and Computer Technologies.
Worldwide specialist will have the opportunity to participate and interact to this important International Forum on Applied M&S.
The audience will include both users, vendors and scientists operating in applying advanced techniques to the main sectors including Industry and Defense (this year the WAMS workshop is co-located with the M&S Conference applied to Defense, that will be held in the same period and location).
The Workshop evolved from AMS2004 (Rio de Janeiro) focusing on Application and Theory of Modelling & Simulation and the AMS2006 in Buzios. In following years WAMS was organized in both side of Atlantic Ocean (i.e.Rio de Janeiro, Italian Riviera), while in 2011 WAMS was part of International Marine Defense Show in St.Petersburg Russia organized in Joint Cooperation with SPIIRAS Russian Academy of Science.
The conference could be combined with I3M2012, on-going from September 19 to 21 (previous 5 days) in Wien, if you are interested please check with (simple flight solution using Rome as Italian Hub with a stopover or Low Cost Flights).

M&S Courses at WAMS
    The M&S Professional Courses will be held in connection with I3M multi-conference; program, registration modules and tentative schedule are available on the web site, please check and eventually book before 1 June 2012. The M&S Courses are organized with scientific Sponsorship of MITIM-DIPTEM University of Genoa, Simulation Team and Liophant Simulation and include foreground assessment for Simulation Tea, Professional Certification Program.
    The Courses will be organized the 27th of September in Rome during WAMS.

WAMS 2012, September 24-27, 2012
  • Business Process Re-engineering
  • Business Intelligence
  • Company Intelligent Management
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Decision Making
  • Emergency Planning & Management
  • Enterprise Resource Management (ERP)
  • Financial Planning
  • Health Care Systems
  • Human Resource Management
  • Intelligent Forecasting
  • Information Support Systems
  • Infrastructure Planning & Design
  • Inventory Management
  • Logistics Networks
  • Military Applications
  • Modeling & Simulation Methodologies, Techniques and Applications
  • Product Data Management (PDM)
  • Production Planning & Management
  • Project Management
  • Public Services
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Scheduling
  • Strategic Decision
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Automation
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Concurrent Engineering
  • Data Fusion
  • Data Warehousing
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Effective Design
  • Electronic Data Interchange
  • Environment Management
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Knowledge Based Systems
  • Logistics & Manufacturing
  • Organizational Modelling
  • Process Simulation
  • Process Consulting
  • Production Simulation
  • Strategic Consulting
  • Total Quality Management
  • Resources Planning
  • Safety in Work Environment
  • Security & Intelligence

WAMS Keynote Speechs

  • Keynote Speech at WAMS 2012: Simulation Everywhere, by Gabriel Wainer
  • Keynote Speech at WAMS 2012: Modeling & Simulation from Theory to Practice: New Advances and Potential Developments , by Erdal Cayirci

  • WAMS Tracks

    General Co-Chairs: Agostino Bruzzone, MITIM - Genoa Center, University of Genoa, Italy
    Erdal Cayirci, University of Stavanger, Norway

    Program-Chair: Wayne Buck, HQ Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, NATO

    Steering Committee:
    Gerson Gomes Cunha, COPPE UFRJ, Brazil
    Claudia Frydman, LSIS, France
    Luiz Landau, LAMCE UFRJ, Brazil
    Francesco Longo, UNICAL, Italy
    Marina Massei, Liophant,Italy
    Francesco Mastrorosa, M&S COE,Italy
    Yuri Merkuryev, RIGA TU, Latvia
    Miquel Angel Piera, Spain/Barcelona , Spain
    Alberto Tremori, DIPTEM, Italy
    Stefano Saetta, Perugia, Italy


    • Tracks Proposal
    November 20th 2011
    • Submission of  Abstracts or Full Papers  (done)
    May 15th 2012
    • Acceptance Notification (done)
    June 15th 2012
    • Full Camera-Ready Papers
    July 15th 2012

    Organized with Scientific Sponsorhsip

    Simulation Team

    in Scientific Cooperation with:

    Simulation Team, Department of Production Eng., Thermal Energy & Mathematical Models, University of Genoa

    International Mediterranean and Latin America Council of Simulation

    MSC - LES - University of Calabria

    McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation, Simulation Team, Genoa Center

    Latvian Simulation Center

    Spanish Simulation Center - LOGISIM

    LSIS, Marseille

    Perugia Simulation Center

    Liophant Simulation

    McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation, Simulation Team, Genoa Center

    M&S Net

    Latvian Simulation Society

    MIK, Riga TU


    M&S Center of Excellence

    I3M2012 is Technically Cosponsored by: Central & South Italy Section Chapter

    IEEE Central and South Italy Section Chapter

    Simulation Solutions
    Other Information:

    Ergife Palace Hotel

    Local Information

    For Further Information:
    Agostino G. Bruzzone
    Simulation Team - DIPTEM University of Genoa
    via Opera Pia 15
    16145 Genova, Italy
    Tel +39 019 97 398
    Fax +39 019 97 600
    Marina Massei
    Liophant Simulation c/o DIPTEM University of Genoa
    via Molinero 1
    17100 Savona, Italy
    Tel +39 019 219 45 251
    Fax +39 019 219 45 265

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