
Plenary Talks

Computer Assisted Surgical Training: Enhancing Patients’ Safety through Simulation Technology and Human Skill

Prof. Jerzy W. Rozenblit (Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dept. of Surgery, College of Medicine, The University of Arizona)

Minimally invasive surgeries reduce recovery time and postoperative pain. However, in these procedures surgeons may lose many of the tactile and visual cues that they rely upon in conventional surgery. Our work focuses on the use of high technology to assist in laparoscopy training. This talk will provide an overview of the concepts, will discuss some of the existing systems, their advantages and shortcomings. Then, a design of a surgical training and assessment system that provides sensing and reasoning capabilities in laparoscopy education will be presented. A training device prototype has been developed and will be demonstrated. I will also discuss our vision for the future use of this technology as a surgical assistant system in the operating room.


Agostino Bruzzone (Simulation Team, DIME University of Genoa)

Capricorn aims is support operations planning and management in complex scenarios where population and interest groups are critical elements; in particular the project is focused on a complex South Asia scenario. The context allows to simulate investments and operations over a an asymmetric mission environment with different parties and articulated social frameworks. The proposed scenario is characterized by various degrees of freedom and it is modelled and simulated in order to evaluate the evolution of human behaviour and socio-psychological aspects. It involves Intelligent Agents (IAs) - driven Computer Generated Forces (CGF) that represent also people and interest groups (i.e. Middle Class, Nomads, Clans). The project is focused on Civil Military Co-operations(CIMIC) and Psychological Operations (PSYOPs) while the simulation has been developed using an architecture that involves various federates in different roles (IAs-driven HLA)



Monday November 25th, 2013

Tuesday November 26th, 2013

8:30 - 10:00


Plenary session


Agostino Bruzzone

Simulation Team, DIME University of Genoa

10:30 - 12:00

Plenary session

  Computer Assisted Surgical Training: Enhancing Patients’ Safety through Simulation Technology and Human Skill

  J. Rozenblit

  University of Arizona, USA

Session 3

Miscellaneous aspects of simulation

Chair: Marina Massei

The Effect of Jet Velocity and Wall Temperature on Indoor Air Flow and Temperature Distribution

Karel Frana, Jianshun S. Zhang, Milos Muller

Simulation of Traffic Road by Batches Petri Nets as Hybrid Mesoscopic Models

Radhia Gaddouri, Leonardo Brenner, Isabel Demongodin

Analytical Evaluation of Interactivity Mediated by a Dynamic Hypermedia Device

Guillermo Rodríguez, Patricia San Martín

Performing Fault Tree Analysis of a Modelica-based System Design through a Probability Model

Peter Fritzson, Alfredo Garro, Mattias Nyberg, Lena Rogovchenko-Buffoni, Andrea Tundis

12:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:30

Session 1


Chair: Claudia Frydman

Simulation & Neural Networks Applications in Software Reliability Analysis

Vojo Bubevski

A Monte Carlo Method for Reliability Evaluation of a System Integrity Protection Scheme in the Chilean Power Grid

Alvaro Moya, Esteban Gil, Alfredo de la Quintana

Incident, Emergency, and Disaster Virtual Operation Training Center

Marco Biagini, Bruce Joy

Session 4


Chair: Agostino Bruzzone

Simulation Aids Long-Term Capacity at a Sunglasses Manufacturing Plant

Sagar Ratti, Ravi Lote, Edward Williams, Onur Ülgen

Simulative Throughput Calculation for Storage Planning

Thomas Atz, Daniel Lantschner, Willibald A. Günthner

Modelling of the Drum, Water Walls and Steam Systems of a 345 ton/h Natural Circulation Boiler for Operators’ Training

Edgardo J. Roldan-Villasana, Yadira Mendoza-Alegría

16:00 - 17:30

Session 2

Economics and Finance

Chair: Edward Williams

Simulating the diffusion of innovation Process: A Multi-Agent Approach

Emerson Noronha, Maria Marietto, Margarethe Born, Wagner Tanaka, Robson França, Terry Ruas, Camila Soarea

A simulation based approach for supporting inventory management in a real manufacturing system

Agostino Bruzzone, Letizia Nicoletti, Marina Massei, Alessandro Chiurco, Francisco Spadafora, Emanuela Palaia

Formalizing Experiential Knowledge for Analysis and Diagnosis of SME

Lucas Boullosa, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Nathalie Gartiser, Ana Casali

Session 5

Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation

Chair: Cecilia Zanni-Merk

Thin Client Distributed Simulation of Discrete Event Models

Colin Timmons, Gabriel Wainer

Application and Visualization of Financial Risk Metrics in Discrete Event Simulation

Arne Koors, Bernd Page

Innovative Models for Multi-Coalition Management

Agostino G. Bruzzone, Alberto Tremori, John Sokolowski, Catherine Banks, Francesco Longo, Alessandro Casapietra, Massimiliano Corso, Angelo Ferrando, Paolo Porro, Francesca Dell’Acqua



Gala Dinner


WAMS 2013

The International
 Workshop on  Applied Modeling  and Simulation

November 24-27, 2013

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires WAMS


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