

The International

Workshop on Applied Modelling and Simulation

Scientifically Sponsorship from Simulation Team, M&S Net, MITIM Genoa, DIME University of Genoa, Liophant Simulation, MSC-LES

Praha, Czech Republic
October 17-19, 2018

WAMS Program WAMS Proceedings

Official Web Site

WAMS2018 is co-located with MESAS2018 & Future Forces.

WAMS2018 is organized synergy with I3M

WAMS2019 will be Organized in Singapore, please click hereto get details for submitting your proposals and/or abstracts.

Mesas Future Forces

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WAMS Call for Paper

WAMS: A Classic International Workshop

The 11th WAMS concentrates on Applications of Simulation and Computer Technologies.
Indeed the new 11th edition in 2018 will result another great opportunity for the International Simulation Community to meet together in the beautiful framework of Praha (Czech Praha) in Czech Republic, one of most popular destinations in Europe In facts, WAMS is a workshop very effective in networking and very useful to set up new proposals and projects. Worldwide specialists have the opportunity to participate and to interact within this important International Forum on Applied M&S. The audience will include both users, vendors and scientists operating in applying advanced techniques to the main application areas and sectors including Industry, Business, Logistics Environment, Services & Defense.
WAMS started as a series of international workshops organized in Latin America, AMS2004 (Rio de Janeiro) and AMS2006 (Buzios); these events were focusing on Application and Theory of Modeling & Simulation.
In the following years, WAMS was organized in both side of Atlantic Ocean (i.e.Rio de Janeiro, Italian Riviera), while in 2011, WAMS was co-located with the International Marine Defense Show in St.Petersburg Russia organized in Joint Cooperation with SPIIRAS Russian Academy of Science.
In 2012, WAMS was held in Rome in connections with the NATO CAX Forum.
The WAMS 2013 was back in Latin America and it attracted scientists, technicians and experts from world leading Universities, Institutions, Agencies and Companies; indeed WAMS 2013 edition was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina and was attended by all Latin America Countries as well as by scientists from Europe, North America, Asia and Australia.

In 2014, WAMS moved in the wonderful framework of the Bosphorous (Istanbul, Turkey) in co-location with the NATO CAX Forum. Therefore WAMS returned in Italy in 2015 (Bergeggi), 2016 (Cagliari) and 2017 Florence.

M&S Courses at WAMS

The M&S Professional Courses SIREN Courses and SILENI Seminars could be organized in conjunction with WAMS, in case of interest please contact info@simulationteam.com. The M&S Courses are organized with scientific Sponsorship of MITIM-DIPTEM University of Genoa, Simulation Team and Liophant Simulation and include foreground assessment for Simulation Tea, Professional Certification Program.

WAMS 2018
  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Agriculture
  • Communications
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Emergency Planning & Management
  • Enterprise Resource Management (ERP)
  • Environment Management
  • Food and Beverage
  • Finance
  • Games & Entertainment
  • Health Care Systems
  • Human Resource Management
  • Industrial Plants
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Information Support Systems
  • Infrastructure Planning & Design
  • Intelligent Forecasting
  • Inventory Management
  • Iron and Steel
  • Logistics & Manufacturing
  • Military Applications
  • Oil and Gas
  • Operations
  • Product Data Management (PDM)
  • Production Planning & Management
  • Project Management
  • Power Industry
  • Public Services
  • Renewable Resources
  • Safety and Security
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Strategic Decision Making
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Sustainability
  • Strategic Decision
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Water Resources
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Automation
  • Business Process Re-engineering
  • Business Intelligence
  • Cloud Computing
  • Company Intelligent Management
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Concurrent Engineering
  • Data Farming
  • Data Fusion
  • Data Warehousing
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Effective Design
  • Electronic Data Interchange
  • Engineering & Design
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Human Behavior Modeling
  • Knowledge Based Systems
  • Mobile Solutions
  • Modeling & Simulation Methodologies, Techniques and Applications
  • Logistics Networks
  • Network Management
  • Organizational Modelling
  • Process Simulation
  • Process Consulting
  • Production Simulation
  • Social Sciences
  • Strategic Consulting
  • Total Quality Management
  • Resources Planning
  • Safety in Work Environment
  • Scheduling
  • Security & Intelligence
  • Serious Games


General Co-Chairs: Agostino Bruzzone, Simulation Team Genoa, University of Genoa, Italy

Ian Mazal, Brno University of Defence, Czech University

Program-Chairs: Miquel Angel Piera, Spain/Barcelona , Spain

Organization Chair: Marina Massei, DIME University of Genoa, Italy

Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Icube, INSA Strasbourg, France

Steering Committee: Agostino Bruzzone, MITIM - Genoa Center, University of Genoa, Italy
Felix Breitenecker, Wien TU, Austria
Michael Conroy, KSC NASA, USA
Luciano Di Donato, Inail, Italy
Gerson Gomes Cunha, COPPE UFRJ, Brazil
Riccardo Di Matteo, Simulation Team, SIM4Future, Italy
Paolo Fadda, Central Labs, Italy
Gianfranco Fancello, University of Cagliari, Italy
Claudia Frydman, LSIS, France
Murat Gunal, Turkish Naval Academy, Turkey
Jan Hodicky, Brno University of Defence, Czech University
Jen Hsien Hsu, De Montforrt University, Leeds, UK
Janos Sebestyen Janosy, Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Emilio Jiménez, Universidad de La Rioja, Spain
Ali Riza Kaylan, Bogazici University, Turkey
Luiz Landau, LAMCE UFRJ, Brazil
Francesco Longo, UNICAL, Italy
Marina Massei, Liophant,Italy
Matteo Agresta, DIME, Italy
Ian Mazal, Brno University of Defence, Czech University
Yuri Merkuryev, RIGA TU, Latvia
Tuncer Oren, Ottawa International, Canada
Miquel Angel Piera, Spain/Barcelona , Spain
Vaclav Prenosil, Masarykova Univerzita, Hungary
Andrea Reverberi, DCCI, Italy
Stefano Saetta, Perugia, Italy
Grazia Tucci, DICEA, Florence University, Italy
Gregory Zacharewicz, IMS University of Bordeaux, France
Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Icube, INSA Strasbourg, France

WAMS Keynote Speechs

WAMS Tracks

  • Digital Fruition of Cultural Heritage & Architecture

  • Serious Games

  • Simulation Techniques and Methodologies

  • Simulation for Applications

  • Simulation for Emergency & Crisis Management

  • Simulation Tools for Human Reliability Analysis Studies

  • Serious Games for Strategy

  • Strategic Engineering & Simulation

  • CBRN & Crisis Simulation

  • Immersive Solution for Product Design

  • Innovative Solutions supporting Interoperability Standards

  • Mixed Reality & Mobile Training enabling new Educational Solution


    • Tracks Proposal
    January 8th 2018
    • Submission of  Abstracts or Full Papers  (done)
    April 15th 2018
    • Acceptance Notification (done)
    May 15th 2018(/font>
    • Full Camera-Ready Papers
    June 15th 2018

    Organized with Scientific Sponsorhsip

    Simulation Team

    in Scientific Cooperation with:

    Simulation Team, Department of Production Eng., Thermal Energy & Mathematical Models, University of Genoa

    International Multidisciplinary Council of Simulation

    MSC - LES - University of Calabria

    McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation, Simulation Team, Genoa Center

    Latvian Simulation Center

    Spanish Simulation Center - LOGISIM

    LSIS, Marseille

    Perugia Simulation Center

    Liophant Simulation

    McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation, Simulation Team, Genoa Center

    M&S Net

    Latvian Simulation Society

    MIK, Riga TU


    Russian Simulation Society

    Russian Simulation Society

    FCEIA, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

    NATO M&S Centre of Excellence

    NATO M&S Center of Excellence



    Central Labs

    Central Lab

    University of Cagliari

    University of Cagliari

    Simulation Solutions
    Other Information:

    Local Information

    WAMS Industrial Sponsors:
    Management of Advanced Solutions and Technologies srl

    Cal-Tek srl

    Lio Tech ltd


    Media Partners: VASTCast VASTCast QR

    For Further Information:
    Agostino G. Bruzzone
    Simulation Team - DIPTEM University of Genoa
    via Opera Pia 15
    16145 Genova, Italy
    Tel +39 019 97 398
    Fax +39 019 97 600
    Email agostino@itim.unige.it
    Marina Massei
    Liophant Simulation c/o DIPTEM University of Genoa
    via Molinero 1
    17100 Savona, Italy
    Tel +39 019 219 45 251
    Fax +39 019 219 45 265
    Email marina.massei@liophant.org

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