Giovanni Cantice

Giovanni Cantice Giovanni Cantice Group Giovanni Cantice per ricordarti per Sempre Simulation Team

Col. Giovanni Cantice (Gianni for friends) is still an example for the Modeling & Simulation (M&S) Community considering his actions and efforts driven by his innovative vision, exceptional motivation, unique mentoring and strong experience (i.e. National Simulation Center, US Army, Fort Leavenworth).

In a period where simulation was evolving, but even facing hard cultural challenges to penetrate in new areas and countries, he established links between research community and Italian Army since 2001; he was promoting the connections between the War School and the Liophant Simulation, chapter of the Society for Modeling & Simulation International; in the same year he sent the first Italian Officers to the SIREN courses: an initiative devoted to fill the gap between USA and EUrope and to guarantee the technology transfer to industries and Military Services in relation to HLA (High Level Architecture) and Interoperability issues.

He organized the Center for Simulation and Validation of the Italian Army (CESIVA) where he was Chief of the M&S Research and Study Office. During this period he was involved in several projects (i.e. PNRM Technological Demonstrator, PIOVRA) and he mentored his colleagues to advance in M&S; he was always very frank, decisive and direct, therefore he was a very friendly and open mind person, with high skills in term of leadership, so his team was very motivated to work on the M&S Issues. He developed innovative ideas and solutions for Live, Virtual and Constructive Simulation that influenced several projects and these elements are still present in on-going activities.

In 2008, he organized SeriGamEX, the first Serious Game Event focused on defense in Italy; the event was organized in cooperation with MIMOS; this innovative action was a seed for the current strong advance in the sector; in fact in 2012, after 4 year, he was actively involved in the Genoa Workshop for MSG-113 "Exploiting Commercial Games and Technology for Use in NATO" for NATO; during the years, he contributed actively to several international activities (i.e. NATO SAS-065).

He was assigned to Iraq for strategic initiatives in joint cooperation local forces; therefore, even during this period while he was very busy and immerse in a asymmetric war framework, he was still in touch, by internet, with colleagues in order to discuss and develop new ideas and concepts; for instance, during this timeframe, he inspired several elements of two very innovative projects related to use of new IA (Intelligent Agents) within HLA Federations: CGF C4 IT and CAPRICORN.

When he came back to Italy, he was nominated Commander of the Italian RAV 80° and he dedicated exceptional efforts to the training and education of young Italian Soldiers.

In addition, in 2012, he was selected to be enrolled in DIMS PhD Program of Genoa University: he ranked 2nd in an International competition among young simulation researchers with around 20 participants. He was carrying out his PhD research and studies day by day, during his free time (evening and night, often in touch with his very good friend/colleague Col.Michele Turi), while he was still a very active and present Commander for RAV 80. He cooperated actively in Simulation Team publishing scientific papers on major conferences (i.e.I/ITSEC, I3M) in Europe, Africa and North America. He was part of the Iphitos project in the Simulation Team - Genoa University that achieved the Best Standard and Best Interoperability Awards at the Smackdown 2012, International Competition, lead by NASA, for PhD Students and Universities (competing with Team of several top universities including MIT).

He passed away while he was in duty for his beloved RAV 80°, Regiment Roma; therefore few days before this tragedy, on the May 1st, he was working in Genoa University with Prof.Bruzzone, old friend and PhD Advisor, and discussing next phases of his R&D activities.

Even if his heart stopped, he will live forever in the memories of friends and we are delighted to keep his name alive among young simulation students by this Award. Simulation Team thanks Cantice Family for authorizing the establishment of Gianni Cantice Award for Gifted Simulation Students.

The first Gianni Cantice Award will be delivered during I3M in Wien; it is interesting to note that in the same Wien, just 4 years ago, Col.Cantice was presenting new ideas, that are still innovative, about interoperability for C2 (Command & Control), Constructive Simulation and CGF (Computer Generated Forces) driven by Intelligent Agents.

	Col. Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice		Col. Giovanni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice
	Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice
	Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Col. Giovanni Cantice		Col. Giovanni Cantice
	Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice Simulation		Giovanni Cantice Simulation
	Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice Simulation		Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice		Col. Gianni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice		Giovanni Cantice

  • Gianni Cantice Award 2015: Application Form
  • Gianni Cantice Award 2014: Application Form
  • Gianni Cantice Award 2013: Application Form
  • Gianni Cantice Award 2012: Application Form

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