SILENI is an initiative devoted to promote M&S applied to real problems with special attention to Defense and Industry; SILENI promotes Seminars, Courses and Lectures on application of M&S.
The name SILENI (SImulation LEarning iNItiative) is inspired by Greek mythology where Sileni (companions of Dionysus) were said to possess special knowledge and power of prophecy such as Modeling & Simulation.
Basic Course in M&S
Introduction to M&S Model, Model Hierarchy M&S in Defence, LVC Skill Trainer Cdr & HQs Training OA/OR Experimentation Simulation Verification and Validation The Modelling Cycle Team Exercise (i.e.VBS2, JCATS, etc.) Simulation Home Works Human Factors Human Modelling in Simulation Deterministic Models Probabilistic or Stochastic Models Exercise Paper War Discrete and Continuous Simulation Exercise Gladiator OR: An Introduction to Probability Activity Cycle Diagram Computer Generated Forces Synthetic Environment Wargaming Exercise Hex Simulation Base Acquistion
Introduction and Concepts - Definition & Paradigms Classification Methods Simulation Projects Parallel Distributed and Interoperable Simulation - Introduction to DIS Exercises on M&S applied to Missile Simulation Introduction to HLA IA-CGF Presentation & Simulation Project Management in Simulation Initiatives - SOW, WBS, PMB in Simulation Projects Introduction to VV&A, motivation and background definition - Simulation Study Life Cycle Performing VV&A: main principles, Introduction to VV&A methods - Military Projects Discrete Event Simulation Lean Simulation as Project Management approach in Simulation Projects
Background & Knowledge Assessment - Simulation Modeling principles Steps in a simulation Study and simulation classification - M&S Validity Military Projects Networking, References - Certification Programs Project Management in M&S Projects - Critical Issues in M&S Projects Tools and Services for M&S Projects - PM & FEDEP, Simulation Based Acquisition M&S Experimental Design - Sensitivity Analysis in Simulation Project Metamodelling & M&S - M&S Case Studies Examples of VV&A in M&S Projects Exercise on VV&A
VV&A Definition & Criteria-VV&A Life Cycle and Principles VV&T Formal, Informal Techniques - VV&T Static & Dynamic Techniques Discrete Event Simulation - M&S Input, M&S Output Analysis M&S Variance and Confidence intervals Basic Exercise on M&S Critical Issues in M&S Projects, Tools and Services for M&S Projects - PM & FEDEP Simulation Based Acquisition - Case Studies on PM for Simulation Projects Case Studies on PM for Simulation Projects - Exercises on PM for Simulation Projects Exercises on PM for Simulation Projects
Introduction to Interoperability - Historical Prospective & HLA Certification DIS: Concepts and Definition - Development of a DIS Exercise HLA Concepts & Definition - Development of HLA Federation HLA Evolution - HLA Rules Federation & Federates - RTI Services Time Management & DDM - HLA Ownership Management Introduction to Object Model Template - HLA OMT: FOM HLA OMT: SOM - Evolution of HLA Case Studies in Interoperability New Paradigms in Interoperability: Evolved HLA
New Paradigms in Interoperability: Evolved HLA - Exercise on HLA Exercise on HLA New Paradigms in Interoperability: Tena New Paradigms in Interoperability: CTIA - Architectures Comparison Modelling Continuous Systems Modelling Discrete Systems M&S Exercises on Continuous Simulation M&S Exercises on Continuous Simulation - M&S Exercises: input data analysis M&S Exercises: Design of Experiments - Analysis of Variance