- In 1996
SAFETY First Project, developed by Liophant Simulation Club,
provided the opportunity to experiment new M&S (Modelling & Simulation)
technologies for developing new generations of
training equipments on low level platforms.
"Simulation in Industry" was the first
Congress World-Wide in term of audience and prestige; during this event, Agostino Bruzzone (General
Chair of the Symposium) invited representatives from USA DoD in Italy/Europe to present for
the first time the HLA (High Level Architecture).
- In 1997 several contacts was established by Liophant Simulation Club among Universities, Institutions,
Agencies and Companies for evaluating possible developments in order to create a Distributed
Virtual Maritime Environment for Simulation.
- In 1998 the original concepts proposed by SITRANET project was formalized by Liophant Simulation Club as
DVEMA (Distributed Virtual Environment for Maritime Applications)initiative.
- In 1999 the DIPTEM University of Genoa, Liophant Simulation Club
and CFLI
(Agostino Bruzzone , Salvatore Capasso ) setup a Proposal called SITRANET, that
was not submitted due the desire to extend the project goals in future opportunities.
- In 2000 DIPTEM, Liophant Simulation Club
and CFLI during HMS2000 in
Portofino organized a joint meeting with International Excellence Centers
(i.e. ITL Riga TU,
INSA University of Rouen, CERTAM and IFF Frauhnhofer Institute) to setup a joint venture on SITRANET subject.
- In 2001 DIPTEM
and CFLI organized the SITRANET proposal in its final release with the support of Liophant Simulation Club;
CERTAM was officially involved as syndacate organization; the proposal resulted 2nd place in the
ranking list of Regione Piemonte where it was submitted to EQUAL program.
- In 2002 DIPTEM, CFLI and CERTAM setup the last details of the SITRANET Project signing
the agreement for the International Cooperation (SINTAURUS NET) with the linked project
Centaurus (from France)and passed the final review process.
- In September the DIPTEM Group with formal sponsorization from Liophant proceeded in SITRANET further develoment in Cocodris Simulators and Libraries as new features of DIPTEM Virtual Reality Simulator.
- In early October 2002 the first prototype of SITRANET VIRTUAL TRUCK SIMULATOR was operative and presented during MAS2002
- In 2003 March the Federation passed with full success HLA integration test.
- In 2003 July the Sitranet Truck completed with success VV&A and was declared ready to become operative for courses.
- In 2003 early September the Sitranet Special Crane completed with success VV&A.
- In 2003 October/November the Sitranet Special Crane was demonstrated in different events, in Special sessions to Industrial Users and in International and National Workshops.
- In 2003 December the Sitranet Contstacker completed successful the VV&A and was demonstrated in Novara.