HARBORSYM: A DATA-DRIVEN MONTE CARLO SIMULATION MODEL OF VESSEL MOVEMENT IN HARBORS David Moser, Keith Hofseth, and Shana Heisey US Army Corps of Engineers Institute for Water Resources 7701 Telegraph Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22315 Email: Shana.a.Heisey@usace.army.mil Richard Males RMM Technical Services, Inc. 3319 Eastside Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45208 Email: males@iac.net Cory Rogers PMCL@CDM PO Box 1316, Carbondale, Illinois 62903 Email: rogerscm@cdm.com KEYWORDS: Economic analysis, discrete event simulation, Monte Carlo simulation, port planning, public domain, risk. ABSTRACT HarborSym is a planning-level model developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assist in economic analyses of proposed deep draft channel improvements. The model creates an event driven simulation based on data stored in a database, instead of customization within a simulation environment. Included in this data are the user specified transit rules that the model processes with each vessel call in order to calculate delays within the system. Users can define alternative sets of channel dimensions or rules reflecting harbor improvements to determine potential transportation cost savings resulting from reduced delays.
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