The 25th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (Simulation in Industry)

25 - 27 September

Royal Olympic

Athens, Greece

 Call For Papers


Soft Computing and Modelling & Simulation


Workshop at the European Modeling and Simulation Symposium

(EMSS 2013)



Chairs: (a)Michael Affenzeller(b)Witold Jacak

Affiliation: (a)(b)Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences

Contact: (a), (b)



Deadlines for submission

Author’s Instruction for paper submission


Workshop Description

The track deals with topics concerning Soft Computing and Modeling & Simulation. Topics of interest are as follows.


· New Methods in Soft Computing

· Simulation and Data Based Soft Computing

· Data Driven Modelling

· Prediction and Prognosis

· Simulation Based Heuristic Optimization

· Machine Learning and Simulation

· Application of Simulation based Soft Computing


Nevertheless different topics concerning Soft Computing and Modeling & Simulation are welcome.







The 25thEMSS, 2013

European Modelling & Simulation Symposium - EMSS

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Casella di testo: Sponsors


Cosponsored by:


For further information please contact Michael Affenzeller

EMSS 2006 - 2012 Proceedings are indexed by SCOPUS