Liophant Simulation

To register yourself to the Liophant you need to submit the following applicationform by mail/email or fax. 
The Members of the Liophant can use the symbols and thearms of the Club; the Liophant have official T-shirts, tilts, pins, suitesand flags, sculptures.

Please send the payment (36USD or 30Euro)
  • by cheque to Liophant Simulation, c/o Agostino G. Bruzzone, New Campus University of Genoa, via Molinero 1, 17100 Savona, Italy

    Liophant Simulation Application Form

    First Name:________________________  Last Name: _________________________________

    Affiliation:__________________________________________   Position: __________________

    Address: _______________________________________________________________________

    City:  _________         ZIPCode:   ___________            Country:  _________________________

    Tel: __________________            Fax:  __________________      Email: ___________________


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