MAS, 2013


The 12th International Conference on

Modeling and Applied Simulation

25 - 27 September 2013

Royal Olympic

Athens, Greece

Call For Papers


Production Systems Design

at the International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation

(MAS 2013)


Chair: (a)David del Rio Vilas

Affiliation: (a)University of A Coruna, Spain



Deadlines for papers submission

Author’s instructions for paper submission


Track Description

Production systems design is one of the most critical and crucial issues in industrial engineering. It becomes more important because of the worldwide competition and due to the rapid progress of manufacturing technologies. In this context, many manufacturing companies are changing their production systems to be more competitive and to insure their efficiency on the global market. Modelling and Simulation is one of the most important support for production system and industrial plants design problems. In addition simulation models can be used for system design evaluation, for the analysis of the system concepts and for the testing systems specification within virtual and digital environments.

The aim of this track is to present recent results dealing with applications of simulation and/or optimization, new methods and decision aid tools applied to production systems design and provide experts in that field with an opportunity to exchange information and discuss new developments in this field. State of the art applications, simulation techniques applications and hybrid approaches for the optimization of production system design are encouraged.


Topics of interest

Topics include, but are not limited to the following areas:

· Modern design techniques

· Manufacturing plant and systems design

· Coupling optimization and simulation in production system design

· Performance evaluation of the design of a production system

· Heuristics and meta-heuristic approach in production systems design

· Design of flexible production systems

· Applications to manufacturing systems, software engineering, transport system, etc..

· Strategies for organizing physical resources

· Factory organization: machining systems, assembly and transfer lines, manufacturing cells, cell design methodology, facility layout

· Quantitative modeling of facilities design, assembly and transfer line balancing, process planning/equipment selection

· Machine failures, capacity analysis, buffer allocation

· Optimization techniques/methodologies in production system design

· Low automated and traditional manufacturing processes Modelling and Simulation"

· Modeling and simulation of reconfigurable factories

· Virtual and augmented process development

· Implementation of changeable and reconfigurable manufacturing systems


Nevertheless different topics concerning Automation are welcome. 


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Cosponsored by:


For further information please contact David del Rio Vilas

Casella di testo: Sponsors