Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation of Distributed Business Processes in Supply Networks

Nick Szirbik, Gerd Wagner, Florin Tulba Corresponding email: Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) – Faculty of Technology Management, I&T P.O. Box 513 – 5600 MB Eindhoven – The Netherlands

ABSTRACT: Conceptual modelling, simulation and software development taken together, as a cyclical process, can be seen as a natural way to implement information systems. However, there is a gap between the tools used for each of these steps. In this paper, we propose a methodology to link the conceptual modelling and the simulation techniques, by using the same language, AORml. We show a specific simulator structure (adapted to fit with the features of the language), and how the language constructs can be unambiguously translated into execution models usable for simulation and further development of agent-oriented software.

KEYWORDS: agents, simulation, intra and inter-organisational business processes, supply

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