BRAINS3 -  Behavioral Response Analysis, Integration Network and Simulation for Sustainability


Behavioral Response Analysis, Integration Network and Simulation for decision Support & Success

BRAINS3 is a new AI Solution able to Develop, Analyze and oppose to Cognitive Actions, Propaganda and Campaigns of of different kinds over multiple Media Channels. BRAINS3 uses LLMs & HBM combining AI and Stochastic Simulation to act on Different Scenarios (e.g. Political Campaign, International Disputes, Neuro Marketing). BRAINS3 could self generate the Messages over BPSM on different channels (e.g. Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, X, Youtube, TV) as well as to re-elaborated manual message to Succeed player against opponent Cognitive Attacks on specific Subjects, People and Population Sectors considering. BRAINS3 could be used for Decision Support as well as for Training managing Opponent Campaigns by use of Simulation Team IA

LLM Large Language Model
M&S Modeling & Simulation
AI Artificial Intelligence
HBM Human Behavior Models

Point(s) of Contact:
  • Agostino G. Bruzzone,
  • Antonio Giovannetti,
  • Luca Cirillo,

  • Copyright (c) 2023 Agostino Bruzzone, SIM4Future

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