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SCSC 2000
The theme for this year's conference is:
SCSC 2000 addresses the MAINSTREAM of simulation
...in the MAINSTREAM of world-wide government and industry.
The theme of this years conference is:
Performance Evaluation is vital for
efficient system design in the next millennium. |
JULY 1620, 2000
Vancouver, B.C. Canada
The Coast Plaza Suite Hotel, at Stanley Park |
Sponsored by
The Society for Computer Simulation International |
Now Available (HTML Format) (PDF Format)
Non-author Conference Registration Form |
The simulation industry is changing rapidly in response to economic imperatives and technological opportunity. Fueled by economic pressure, simulation is becoming pervasive in government and industry. Facilitated by emerging standards and infrastructure, simulation intervisibility, interoperability, and re-use among heretofore segmented simulation markets are becoming practical. Simulation application domains that have been insular and specialized are beginning to share concepts, practices, and assets at an accelerating pace. SCSC 2000 participants can hobnob with their fellow wizards, think outside the box, and discover for themselves the trends that will dominate the evolution of the 21st Century simulation industry.
The SCSC 2000 meeting will emphasize topics of synoptic interest to the entire modeling and simulation community by focusing on such topics as:
 | Simulation Technologies: Languages, Tools, Architectures, and Techniques
 | Abstraction and Conceptual Modeling and Representation Schemas
 | Simulation Development, Operations, and Maintenance Practices
 | Simulation Results, Credibility and Confidence
 | Implications of Computation and Data Management Capability
 | Implications of the Communication and E-Commerce Revolution, and
 | Management, Business Practice, and the Economics of Modeling and Simulation
| | | | | | |
Papers and panelists from a wide range of application domains are particularly solicited. Participation by diverse simulation communities is expected to heighten awareness at the meeting of the significant similarities and differences which characterize modeling and simulation technology and practice within the industry. By sampling generously across the industry, we expect to discover those topics which are most generally important and which best admit to inter-domain collaboration. Particular application domains of interest include but are not limited to: |
 | Aerospace
 | Chemicals
 | Commerce
 | Communications
 | Construction
 | Economics of M&S
 | Electronics
 | Engineering
 | Entertainment
| | | | | | | | |
 | Environmental
 | Government
 | Hydraulics
 | Industrial Design
 | Materials
 | Medical / Pharmaceutical
 | Military and Para-Military
 | Mining and Geologic
 | Mecatronics
| | | | | | | | |
 | Oceanographic and
 | Atmospheric
 | Optics
 | Organization Design
 | Petroleum
 | Power
 | Semiconductor
 | Service Operations
 | Transportation
| | | | | | | | |
Invited Speakers will provide senior executives' views of the evolving simulation landscape. Paper Sessions will report practitioners' progress in addressing issues of general concern. Panels will provide cross-domain review of selected issues. Workshop Sessions will provide a structured, moderated venue for the collegial investigation of topics admitting to subsequent ACTION. Exhibits will afford vendors and users of simulation products and services the opportunity to demonstrate their wares and capabilities. |
SCSC 2000 Chairs
SCSC 2000 Tracks and Chairs
Simulation Technologies: Languages, Tools and Techniques -
Ralph Huntsinger
CSU, Chico
E-mail: drralph@ecst.csuchico.edu
Simulation System Architectures
Robert Lutz
Johns Hopkins University
E-mail: robert.lutz@jhuapl.edu
Influences of Communications and Media
John Illgen
Illgen Simulation Technologies
E-mail: jillgen@illgen.com
Controlling and Understanding Simulation Significance
Simone Youngblood
Defense Modeling and Simulation Office
E-mail: smyoung@msis.dmso.mil
Enterprise Simulation
Thomas Mastaglio
Virginia Modeling and Simulation Center
E-mail: mastaglio@vmasc.odu.edu
Military Systems Simulation
Jake Borah
AEgis Technologies Group
E-mail: JBorah@aegistg.com
Elizabeth Wells
E-mail: ewells@mil-tec.com
Simulation System Life-Cycle Evolution
Capt. Joe Celano
E-mail: celanoj@spawar.navy.mil
Jeffrey Wallace
Metron Incorporated
E-mail: wallace@ca.metsci.com
Simulation on the National Agenda
Vince Amico
University of Central Florida
E-mail: amico@cs.ucf.edu
Organizational Simulation
Joseph Barjis
Technical University of Delft
E-mail: J.Barjis@is.twi.tudelft.nl
Economics of Modeling and Simulation
Pat Cannon
AEgis Technologies Group
E-mail: PCannon@aegistg.com
Education and Training
Abrahim Nisanci
Bradley University
E-mail: ibo@bradley.edu
Balquies Sadoun
Applied Science University
E-mail: bsadoun@go.com.jo
Technical Program Committee
Agostino Bruzzone
University of Genoa
François E. Cellier
University of Arizona
Bruce Fairchild, Boeing
Winfried Hahn
University of Passau
Robin Kirkham
Kevin Kwiat
Michael Lightner
AEgis Technologies Group
S. Narayanan
Wright State University
Mohammad S. Obaidat
Monmouth University
Make the Summer Computer Simulation Conference your investment in re-inventing Modeling and Simulation for the 21st Century! |
Requirements & Deadlines
Abstracts should be submitted on-line at http://www.scs.org/confernc/scsc00/text/abstract_submit.html by April 15, 2000. Abstracts received after this date will be considered as long as time and program space permit. Each abstract must include the title of the proposed paper, with a short summary (400_900 words), so that it may be properly positioned in the conference. Please indicate which conference topic is most appropriate, first and second choices.
Proposals for panels or other type of sessions should be sent to the SCSC 2000 General Chair, Bill Waite at BWaite@AEgistg.com or the SCSC 2000 Conference Coordinator, Steve Branch, at 4838 Ronson Court, Suite L, San Diego, CA 92111, E-mail: sbranch@scs.org, by April 15, 2000.
Notifications of acceptance status will be sent on or about April 30, 2000.
Final manuscript accepted papers and all other material to be included in Conference CD-ROM Proceedings must be submitted by June 1, 2000.
Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference, present their work to their peers, transfer copyright, and pay a conference registration fee at the time of submission of their final manuscript. |

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