SCSC2003 Abstract S91675

Simulation Validation Qualitative Assessment Process Improvement

Submitting Author: Dr. Dale Pace
Qualitative techniques such as subject matter expert (SME) assessments, peer reviews, inspections, and walkthroughs are widely used in modeling and simulation (M&S) verification and validation (V&V). These techniques are widely used both because of their capabilities to provide insight about M&S capabilities and because adequate real world (experimental) data and/or appropriate quantitative methods often are not available. Substantial improvements are possible in the ways that personnel employed in qualitative methods (such as reviewers) are selected, managed, and used as well as how assessments, reviews, inspections, etc. are conducted. There is very little documented guidance for employment of qualitative methods among M&S, software, and systems engineering communities -- no formal standards for such exist in any of these communities. This paper suggests ways that qualitative techniques in M&S V&V can be improved, with special emphasis upon validation qualitative assessment process improvements.

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