SCSC2003 Abstract S91675

Validating Human Behavioral Models for Combat Simulations Using Techniques for the Evaluation of Human Performance

Submitting Author: Mr. Simon Goerger
As Department of Defense (DoD) leaders rely more on modeling and simulation to provide information on which to base strategic and tactical decisions, simulation credibility becomes more important. Prior to their use in simulations and analytical studies, DoD models are required to undergo the verification, validation, and accreditation (VV&A) process in an attempt to establish an acceptable level of credibility. In general, the human behavioral model validation process, as outlined by the Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO), is not extendable to meet requirements for validating the varied and complex behavioral models in use or under development for DoD simulations. This paper reviews several issues with validating human behavior representation (HBR) and identifies potential practices for enhancing the validation process for current and future human behavioral models for use in or application to combat simulations.

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