SCSC2004 Best Paper Award

San Jose' 25-29 July 2004

Prof.A.Bruzzone, SCSC2004 General Chair, and Prof.M.Obaidat, SPECTS General Chair during the Presention of Best Paper Awards in SummerSim2004

SCSC2004 Best Paper was established for first time in Montreal Edition and it represented one of the results obtained by emphasising quality; that fact is currently allowing the Conference Chair to nominate best papers for being considered by SCS International publications and during 2004 a special issue, composed by two volumes, inspired by SCSC2003 best papers was published in Simulation Transaction of SCS International.
Also this year each single paper in the proceedings, and even the Student Workshop Papers, get at least three review from SCSC International Program Committee (IPC) and Program/General Chair overview. Based on this process and on IPC/Track Chair Nomination it was possible to create a short list of very high quality papers.
Prof.A.Bruzzone, SCSC2004 General Chair and Prof.M.Obaidat, SCS Conference VicePresident, Awarding Morawan Marurngsith the author and presenter the SCSC2004 Best Paper
The quality of papers was very good and the selection was pretty hard, however a Best Paper Award Committee was able to identify a short list of three best papers; the final ranking list is following:
    Best Paper
    • DSiMCluster: A Simulation Model for Efficient Memory Analysis Experiments of DSM Clusters

    • Worawan Marurngsith, Roland N. IbbettEdinburg University, UK
    First Runner
    • Logistical Simulation of a Demand-Driven Railway System Using Discrete Production Simulator

    • Wilhelm Dangelmaier, Clemens Kriesel, Christoph Laroque, Bengt MueckUniversity of Paderborn, Germany
    Second Runner
    • Simulationg Business Networks in the Consulting Industry with System Dynamics

    • Freimut Bodndorf, Christian Bauer, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

The SCSC2004 Best Paper Award Certificate was delivered to the authors by Agostino Bruzzone, SCSC General Chair, during SCSC2004 Luncheon.

SCSC2004 Best Paper Committee

A.Bruzzone, General Chair of SCSC2004, awarding the first Runner in Best Paper Competition
Agostino Bruzzone, General Chair of SCSC2004, giving the Second Runner Award of Best Paper Competition to Rainer Rimane to be delivered to his colleague in Erlangen-Nuremberg University
  • Edward Williams, PM Corp,USA - SCSC Program Chair

  • Members:
  • Agostino G.Bruzzone, MISS DIP, Italy - SCSC General Chair
  • Priscilla Elfrey, NCS & NASA Kennedy Space Center, USA - Simulation in Business and Industry Track Chair
  • Peggy Gravitz, Aegis, USA - Standards Workshop Chair
  • Antoni Guash, University Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain - Optimization of Logistic Systems Through Simulation TruckChair
  • Ralph Huntsinger, California State University Chico - M&S Methodology, Tools and Applications Track Chair
  • Mhamed Itmi, PSI-MISS INSA, France - Simulation in Transportations Workshop Chair
  • Andras Javor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary - MISS International Co-Vice-Director and Educational Track Chair
  • Tuncer Ören, MISS Ottawa Center, ON Canada - Agent Driven Simulation Track Chair
  • Miquel A. Piera, University Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain - Optimization of Logistic Systems Through Simulation Track Chair
  • Stefano Saetta, MISS Perugia University - Lean Simulation Workshop Chair
  • Hessam Sarjoughian, ASU, USA - Educational Track Chair
  • Simone Simeoni, Liophant Simulation - Simulation Science Track Chair
  • Helena Szczerbicka, University of Hannover Germany - On-Line Track Chair
  • Gabriel Wainer, Carleton University - Student Workshop Chair for SCSC2005

Best Paper Award Committee meeting for final resolution at 7:00am (E.Williams, S.Simeoni, T.Guasch, R.Huntsinger, A.Javor, G.Wainer, M.Piera
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