SCSC2005 Best Paper Award
Philadelphia, 24-28 July 2005
SCSC2005 Best Paper was established for first time in Montreal Edition and it represented
one of the results obtained by emphasising quality; that fact is currently allowing
the Conference Chair to nominate best papers for being considered by SCS International
publications and during 2005 a special issue, composed by two volumes, inspired by SCSC2003 best papers was published in
Simulation Transaction of SCS International.
Also this year each single paper in the proceedings, and even the Student Workshop Papers,
get at multiple reviews from SCSC International Program Committee (IPC) and
a Program/General Chair overview.
Based on this process and on IPC/Track Chair Nomination it was possible to create a
short list of
very high quality papers.
The quality of papers was very good and the selection was pretty hard,
however a Best Paper Award
Committee was able to identify a short list of three best papers;
the final ranking list is following:
Best Paper
- Constraint Satisfaction in the Automobile Industry: A Coloured Petri Net Simulation Model Approach
Miquel Angel Piera, Toni GuaschUAB/UPC, Spain, Spain
First Runner Up
- A Simple Voice Communication System for Human-in-the Loop Air Traffic Control Simulation
Florian Hafner, Mohamed MahmoudEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
Second Runner Up
- Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Alga (Burkina Faso): Building a Decision-Aid Model for Development and Governance
Fenintsoa Andriamasinor, Eric Jaques, Remy Pelon, Bruno Martel-Jantin, BRGM, France
The SCSC2005 Best Paper Award Certificate was delivered to the authors
by Agostino Bruzzone, SCSC General Chair, during SCSC2005 Luncheon.
SCSC2005 Best Paper Committee
- Edward Williams, PM Corp,USA - SCSC Program Chair
- Vince Amico, UCF, USA - SCS Hall of Fame
- Agostino G.Bruzzone, MISS DIP, Italy - SCSC General Chair
- Priscilla Elfrey, NCS & NASA Kennedy Space Center, USA - Simulation in Business and Industry Track Chair
- Ralph Huntsinger, California State University Chico - M&S Methodology, Tools and Applications Track Chair
- Marina Massei, Liophant, Italy - SIMPLEST Workshop Chair
- Tuncer Ă–ren, MISS Ottawa Center, ON Canada - Agent Driven Simulation Track Chair
- Stefano Saetta, MISS Perugia University - Lean Simulation Workshop Chair
- Gabriel Wainer, Carleton University - Student Workshop Chair for SCSC2005