Simulation Team Solutions at Sea Future 2016

Simulation Team proposed, during Sea Future 2016 , the Following Innovative Solutions, all compliant with most advanced Interoperability Standards for being ready to be integrated with real equipment and other simulators:

  • IA_CGF (Intelligent Agent Computer Generated Forces ): Simulation Team is Leading the strategic sector of Intelligent Agents; by IA_CGF, Simulation Team provides a very effective approch to control and drive entities, units and platforms; indeed IA_CGF regulate the behavior of the entities by adopting ROE (Rules of Engagement) and considering their perception. The IA_CGF react to the evolving situation based both on rational and emotional factors (e.g. stress, fatigue, fear, aggressiveness) and considering their specific characteristics (e.g. training, crew harmony, experience). Simulation Team used successfully IA_CGF in many different context from Naval Operations (e.g. simulating small medium size boats, cargo, military vessels, pirates, autonomous systems, etc.) as well as Joint Multicoalition Operations. IA_CGF could be used to create realistic scenarios for training, or to drive Coalition and Opposite force to evaluate alternative COAs in Decision Support. IA_CGF are HLA Native and have been integrated in many scenarios with other simulators since over 12 years. In addition IA_CGF could be used to reproduce Population and Interest Groups reactions for evaluating second effects and human factor in many operations (e.g. CIMIC, NEO, PSYOPS, OpportunityTargeting, Food Distribution, Urban Disorders, Riot, etc.). IA_CGF have been applied also in Dual Use in relation to Smart City and Mega City Projects to reproduce reactions to decision in domestic scenarios as well as disaster relief operations.