The International Workshop on

Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment

10-12 September, 2014
Agora Conference Center, University of Bordeaux
Bordeaux, France

Co-Located with I3M 2014

SESDE 2014 Official Web Site

Environmental Simulation

Simulation Team

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Solar Power Plant

The International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment ( SESDE2014 ) is focusing on using M&S in applications related to Energy, Sustainability and Environmental Issues. Scientists and Subject Matter Experts in these sectors are invited to present innovative papers. The application of M&S to this sector represents a major opportunity considering the nature of the complex systems related to these issues that need to be studied and analyzed.
SESDE is part of I3M, a major Simulation Scientific Conference covering multiple aspects.

In 2012 during I3M several papers were focusing on SESDE issues and special sessions were organized in this topic
Country Reconstruction and Sustainability

Based on this success, since SESDE 2013 in Athens, SESDE is organized as a Workshop integrated in I3M Multiconference

Social Sustainability
SESDE 2014, September 22-24
SESDE addresses M&S in relation to several topics, some example is following:
  • Climate change
    • Global warming
    • Global dimming
    • Fossil fuels
    • Sea level rise
    • Greenhouse gas
    • Ocean acidification
    • Shutdown of thermohaline circulation
    • Environmental impact of the coal industry
    • Urban Heat Islands
  • Conservation
    • Species extinction Pollinator decline
    • Coral bleaching
    • Holocene extinction
    • Invasive species
    • Poaching
    • Endangered species
  • Energy
    • Energy conservation
    • Renewable energy
    • Efficient energy use
    • Renewable energy commercialization
    • Environmental impact of the coal industry
    • Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
  • Environmental degradation
    • Eutrophication
    • Habitat destruction
    • Invasive species
  • Environmental health
    • Air quality
    • Asthma
    • Environmental impact of the coal industry
    • Electromagnetic fields
    • Electromagnetic radiation and health
    • Indoor air quality
    • Lead poisoning
    • Sick Building Syndrome
    • Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
  • Genetic engineering
    • Genetic pollution
    • Genetically modified food controversies
  • Intensive farming
    • Overgrazing
    • Irrigation
    • Monoculture
    • Environmental effects of meat production
    • Slash and burn
    • Pesticide drift
    • Plasticulture
  • Land degradation
    • Land pollution
    • Desertification
  • Soil
    • Soil conservation
    • Soil erosion
    • Soil contamination
    • Soil salination
  • Land use
    • Urban sprawl
    • Habitat fragmentation
    • Habitat destruction
  • Nanotechnology
    • Nanotoxicology
    • Nanopollution
  • Nuclear issues
    • Nuclear fallout
    • Nuclear meltdown
    • Nuclear power
    • Nuclear weapons
    • Nuclear and radiation accidents
    • Nuclear safety
    • High-level radioactive waste management
  • Overpopulation
    • Water crisis
    • Overpopulation in companion animals
    • Tragedy of the commons
    • Gender Imbalance in Developing Countries
    • Sub-replacement fertility levels in developed countries
  • Ozone depletion
    • CFC
    • Biological effects of UV exposure
  • Pollution
    • Environmental impact of the coal industry
    • Nonpoint source pollution
    • Point source pollution
    • Light pollution
    • Noise pollution
    • Visual pollution
  • Water pollution
      Environmental impact of the coal industry
    • Acid rain
    • Eutrophication
    • Marine pollution
    • Ocean dumping
    • Oil spills
    • Thermal pollution
    • Urban runoff
    • Water crisis
    • Marine debris
    • Microplastics
    • Ocean acidification
    • Ship pollution
    • Wastewater
    • Fish kill
    • Algal bloom
    • Mercury in fish
    • Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
  • Air pollution
      Environmental impact of the coal industry
    • Smog
    • Tropospheric ozone
    • Indoor air quality
    • Volatile organic compound
    • Atmospheric particulate matter
    • Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
  • Reservoirs
    • Environmental impacts of reservoirs
  • Resource depletion
    • Exploitation of natural resources
    • Overdrafting
  • Consumerism
    • Consumer capitalism
    • Planned obsolescence
    • Over-consumption
  • Fishing
    • Blast fishing
    • Bottom trawling
    • Cyanide fishing
    • Ghost nets
    • Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
    • Overfishing
    • Shark finning
    • Whaling
  • Logging
    • Clearcutting
    • Deforestation
    • Illegal logging
  • Mining
    • Acid mine drainage
    • Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
    • Mountaintop removal mining
    • Slurry impoundments
  • Toxins
    • Chlorofluorocarbons
    • DDT
    • Endocrine disruptors
    • Dioxin
    • Toxic heavy metals
    • Environmental impact of the coal industry
    • Herbicides
    • Pesticides
    • Toxic waste
    • PCB
    • Bioaccumulation
    • Biomagnification
    • Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing
  • Sustainability
    • Economic
    • Social
    • Environmental
    • Financial
    • Cultural
  • Transportations
    • Emissions
    • Traffic
    • Green Logistics
  • Waste
    • Electronic waste
    • Litter
    • Waste disposal incidents
    • Marine debris
    • Medical waste
    • Landfill
    • Leachate
    • Environmental impact of the coal industry
    • Incineration
    • Great Pacific Garbage Patch
    • Exporting of hazardous waste
    • Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing

Steering Committee:
Agostino G. Bruzzone, ITIM University of Genoa, Italy
Gerson Gomes Cunha, COPPE UFRJ, Brazil
Francesco Longo, UNICAL, Italy
Marina Massei, Liophant,Italy
Yuri Merkuryev, RIGA TU, Latvia
Miquel Angel Piera, Spain/Barcelona , Spain
Alberto Tremori, DIPTEM, Italy
Stefano Saetta, Perugia, Italy
Air Emissions


  • Tracks Proposals
November 20th 2012
  • Submission of  Abstracts or Full Papers  (done)
May 15th 2014
  • Acceptance Notification (done)
June 15th 2014
  • Full Camera-Ready Papers
July 15th 2014

SESDE is Scientifically sponsored by:

International Multidisciplinary Council of Simulation active in Mediterranean, Europe, Latin & North America, Asia, Africa & Australia
Liophant Simulation
Simulation Team
McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation, Simulation Team, Genoa Center
Modeling & Simulation Net
Institute of Information Technology - Department of Modelling & Simulation - Riga Technical Univeristy
Laboratoire des Sciences del'Information et des Systèmes
Perugia Simulation Center - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - University of Perugia
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Russian Simulation Society
Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas CONICET UNR UPCAM
Simulation Team
McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation, Simulation Team, Genoa Center
Latvian Simulation Center MIK Riga TU
LSIS Marseille
Simulation Center - University of Perugia
National Russian Simulation Society
Simulation Team  MITIM - Dipartimento di Ingegneria della Produzione, Termoenergetica e Modelli Matematici - University of Genoa
Brazilian Simulation Center - Grupo de Realidade Virtual Aplicada - Laboratório de Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia - Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Spanish Simulation Center - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica - Universita' della Calabria
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática y Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores - Universidad de La Laguna
Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénie en Sciences Appliquées
Modeling & Simulation Center - Laboratory of Enterprise Solutions
Modelling & Simulation Center of Excellence - Rome
Movimento Italiano Modelling & Simulation
Comite' Espanol de Automatica CEA-IFAC
Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication
Simulation Team MITIM DIPTEM
Brasilian Simulation Center LAMCE UFRJ
Spanish Simulation Center - UAB/UPC
Mechanical Department - University of Calabria
ISA ATC Universidad de la Laguna
SESDE as part of I3M2014 is Technically Cosponsored by: IEEE Central and South Italy Section Chapter
Central & South Italy Section Chapter

Modeling a Town Simulation Solutions

Conference Location
Bordeaux is a wonderful framework for I3M Conference offerting World Famous Cultural Locations as well as beautiful Social and Vacation Opportunities at very convenient conditions. The Bordeaux International Airport provide easy access and direct flight to all major airports word-wide.

WAMS Industrial Sponsors:
Management of Advanced Solutions and Technologies srl

Cal-Tek srl

Lio Tech ltd


Hydro Plant For Further Information:
Agostino G. Bruzzone
Simulation Team - DIPTEM University of Genoa
via Opera Pia 15
16145 Genova, Italy
Tel +39 019 97 398
Fax +39 019 97 600
Marina Massei
Liophant Simulation c/o DIPTEM University of Genoa
via Molinero 1
17100 Savona, Italy
Tel +39 019 219 45 251
Fax +39 019 219 45 265

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