AIS Docet:
Advanced computational Intelligence & Simulation for Digital Operations:
Conference for Emergent Technologies

AIS Docet

Advanced computational Intelligence & Simulation for Digital Operations: Conference for Emergent Technologies

Keqiao District, Shaoxing City Zhejiang, China, November 21-22, 2024, AIS Docet Site Call for Paper

AIS Docet is connected with WAMS running on same week in Keqiao (same location), November 21-25, Special Conditions for Joint Attendance and Session Organizers AIS Docet QR Code

Preliminary Program - Liophant

AIS Docet is an International Conference devoted to promote the Emergent Technologies such as Extended Reality (XR), Computational Intelligence (CI), Intelligent Agents, Advanced Algorithms, Complex System Models, Data Analytics and Strategic Engineering as well as to present advances in Operations and Projects driven by Solution using these Methodologies combined with the Opportunities provided by Digital Transformation.

General Chairs
Agostino Bruzzone
Simulation Team, STRATEGOS
Emilio Jimenez
Universidad de la Rioja, Spain
Jean-Guy Fontaine

Program Chairs
Tomaso Vairo
HSE Center, ASL
Adriano Solis
York University, Canada
Antonio Giovannetti
Simulation Team

Organization Chairs
Marina Massei
DIME, University of Genoa
Sonni Hu Jiayi,
JAR Partner
Antonella Petrillo
Partenope University

Exhibition Chairs
Luca Bucchianica
Bukkia Consulting Pte ltd.
Sonni Hu Jiayi,
JAR Partner
Carrie Jiao,
China - CEEC Innovation Cooperation Research Center
AIS Docet:
Advanced computational Intelligence & Simulation for Digital Operations:
Conference for Emergent Technologies at Keqiao International Park

Conferences on Innovative Methodologies applied to Real Applications
The Conference select innovative new Papers addressing Innovative Techniques & Methodologies within multiple Application Domains including among the others: Industry, Plants, Manufacturing, Logistics, Supply Chain, Health Care, Transportations, Information Communication Technologies, Social Media, Media, Business, Mining, Agricolture, etc. The event is organized in Zhejiang Provence within the beautiful framework of Shaoxing City with its historical locations where Chinese Callygraphy was established. The hosting site is expected to be within the Science Club at International Scientific Park of Keqiao just few minutes from Hangzhou International Airport

Demonstrations & Virtual Experiences
AIS Docet will include opportunities to experience interactively Simulation and CI Solution at work by extensive use of Extended Reality and Synthetic Environments for additional info on these issues please contact

Tutorial & Professional Courses
Specific Training Modules and Virtual Experience will be organized along the Conference to guarantee technology transfer on AI and M&S. Specific Tutorials will be proposed within the program such as SILENI Seminars ( The M&S Courses will be organized in cooperation with different participants and the Simulation Team with Patronage of Liophant Simulation will provide access to the possibility to access Simulation Team Professional Certification Programs. For information please write to

Paper Submission
Extended abstracts, full draft papers or other proposals should be submitted for the review process through the conference website. Each extended abstract must include the title, authors, affiliations, addresses, main body and references for proper positioning in the conference. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee taking into consideration scientific quality, originality and relevance. Only original papers, written in English will be accepted. Your camera ready paper must be submitted through the conference website. Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference, present their works, transfer copyright and pay conference registration fees at the time their camera ready papers are submitted. Conference best papers will be directed to International Journals for inclusion through content extension. Details for Submission Procedure are available here

AIS Docet Patrons
Examples of Applications Examples of Topics
  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Automation
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Communications
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Education & Training (E&T)
  • Emergency Planning & Management
  • Enterprise Resource Management (ERP)
  • Environment Management
  • Entertainment
  • Food and Beverage
  • Finance
  • Games & Entertainment
  • Health Care Systems
  • Human Resource Management
  • Industrial Plants
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Information Support Systems
  • Infrastructure Planning & Design
  • Intelligent Forecasting
  • Inventory Management
  • Iron and Steel
  • Logistics
  • Manufacturing
  • Military Applications
  • Oil & Gas
  • Operations
  • Product Data Management (PDM)
  • Production Planning & Management
  • Project Management
  • Power Industry
  • Public Services
  • Renewable Resources
  • Robotic Systems
  • Safety and Security
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Strategic Engineering
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Sustainability
  • Strategic Decision
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Water Resources
  • Agile Manufacturing
  • Computational elligence
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Augmented & Virtual Reality
  • Automation
  • Business Process Re-Engineering
  • Business Intelligence
  • Cloud Computing
  • Company Intelligent Management
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Concurrent Engineering
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Farming
  • Data Fusion
  • Data Warehousing
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Effective Design
  • Electronic Data Interchange
  • Engineering & Design
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Human Behavior Modeling
  • Interoperable Simulation
  • Knowledge Based Systems
  • Modeling & Simulation as a Service (MSaaS)
  • Mobile Solutions
  • M&S Methodologies, Techniques & Applications
  • Lean Simulation
  • Logistics Networks
  • Mixed Reality
  • Network Management
  • Organizational Modeling
  • Process Simulation
  • Process Consulting
  • Production Simulation
  • Social Sciences
  • Strategic Consulting
  • Total Quality Management
  • Resources Planning
  • Safety in Work Environment
  • Scheduling
  • Security & Intelligence
  • Serious Games
  • Scenario Planning Six Sigma

Moving to next Workshop Issue Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Issue International Program Committee

Moving to next Workshop Issue Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Issue Proceedings

AIS Docet Keynote Speechs

The Keynote Presentations will be finalized soon.
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AIS Tentative Tracks & Special Sessions

  • Strategic Engineering

  • Computational intelligence for Industry

  • Autonomous Systems & Robotics

  • Extended Reality (XR)

  • Advanced Solutions for Industrial Risks

  • Innovation for Strategic Resources

  • Grand Challenges

  • Innovative Decision Support

  • Digital Fruition of Cultural Heritage & Architecture

  • Moving to next Workshop Issue Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Issue Proceedings


    The Workshop produces Proceedings with References in Scientific Search Engines and Best Papers will be selected to publish Extensions of the Research on International Journals.
    Moving to next Workshop Issue Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Issue


    • Abstracts
    • Track Proposals
    July 25th 2024
    • Submission of  Abstracts or Full Papers  (done)
    September 25th 2024
    • Acceptance Notification (done)
    October 15th 2024
    • Full Camera-Ready Papers
    November 1, 2024

    Moving to next aspect on Workshop Issues Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Issues

    All paper are reviewed by International Scientific Committee and selected based on Originality, Scientific Level, Impact, Presentation Quality, Language. The Paper Proposals should be original, suitable for Conference Topics and in properly written in English.All Authors will receive the Review Results and Comments to improve the final version of the Paper (Camera Ready Paper), as well as the Acceptance Letter, if applicable, in consistency with Deadlines.

    Plaese be sure to respect Deadlines and to complete Registration to have your Selected Paper Included in the Proceedings

    To submit your Draft Paper and/or Extended Abstract you don't need a specific format (therefore, if you like you can use this one), please send it directly by email to and to

    The Final Camera Ready Paper Format is in following Document (Microsoft Word, DOC); please send it in PDF by email; please note that we recommend Camera Ready Papers of at least 4-5 pages.
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    Selected Papers should complete the registration to have their paper published in the Proceedings. Registration should be done based on following scheme and it includes: Inclusion of Paper in the International Workshop Proceedings, 1 Person Workshop Attendance Package (i.e. 2 Lunches, 1 Gala Dinner, Coffee Breaks, Conference Bag).

    AIS Docet Fees and Combo with AIS Docet:
    1st Paper, Early Registration before Oct.10, 2024: 300 Euro 1st Paper, Late Registration from Oct.10,2024: 400 Euro
    Each Additional Paper in WAMS or AIS Docet Early Registration 200 Euro Each Additional Paper in WAMS or AIS Docet, late Registration 300 Euro
    Joint Early Registration WAMS and AIS Docet (2 Papers, 1 each) 500 Euro Joint Late Registration WAMS and AIS Docet (2 Papers, 1 each) 700 Euro
    Early Registration for each additional Attendee (no paper) 200 Euro Late Registration for each additional Attendee (no paper) 300 Euro
    Student Registration (no Paper in Proceedings) 150 Euro Local Attendees from Companies (no Paper in Proceedings) 150 Euro

    Track and Session Organizers have special rates, please contact Organizers for details. Please write to Antonio Giovannetti for registration and additional details. Please remember in your communications to provide your references:
    Name & Family, Name, Affiliation (e.g. University of Genoa), Role (e.g. Senior Scientist), Address (i.e. Street, Zip Code, Town, Country), Email, Mobile Phone, Notes (e.g. Title of your paper and Workshop Name such as WAMS or AIS Docet or both)


    Moving to next aspect on Workshop Issues Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Issues Address of the Keqiao International Park, Site of AIS Docet 2024 Workshop Location: Science Club at Keqiao International Park, Anchang Street, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China.

    Address of the Keqiao International Park, Site of AIS Docet 2024The Science Club is the exclusive framework for International Guest and Local Enterprises to meet at Keqiao International Park and it includes a Conference Room with an European Style Amphitheater within the Library, a Show Room with Demonstrators and Prototypes by International Park affiliated Companies and an Bar & Play Area with International Flavours.

    Keqiao International Park, Site of AIS Docet 2024
    Moving to next aspect on Workshop Venue Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Venue

    AIS Docet Recommended Hotel, Citadines Keqiao:

    Citadines is an high Quality International Hotel with special convention with our Workshop that we recommend. You can book a room as well as a suite at very convenient prices, even for for the whole week.
    Please use WAMS Code in order to get special rate and consider to book by writing to the Local or Local Organization Chair Sonni Hu Jiayi,

    Citadines Hotel Keqiao, Rooms
    Moving to next aspect on Workshop Venue Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Venue

    Flights & Airport Keqiao Venue, Airport and Connections: The Hanghzou International Airport covers Keqiao, Hangzhou and Shaoxing and it has direct flights with major International Hubs in Europe and Middle East (e.g. Rome, Cairo, Doha, Dubai), Far East and Pacific Rim (Beijing, Tokio, Osaka, Seul, Auckland, Melbourne, Sidney, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Phuket, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Taipei). The Airport is very well connected with all major Chinese Airports and Towns allowing easily to reach it from Americas and other world locations with 2 flights for not directed towns. From the Airport is possible to take a cab for a 40 minutes ride to Keqiao Workshop and Hotel Location (e.g. Hotel Citadines, Cina, Zhejiang, Shaoxing, Keqiao District, Hudong Rd, 2558 1 A, 312030) for a resonable cost; therefore if you don't are fluent with Chinese and don't have or you are not able to use DD from Alipay (i.e. smartphone application for book taxis similar to huber), we suggest to book it through our Local Organization, you can book a one way or two ways connection by writing to WAMS2024, and get an easy pickup at International Arrivals and be at Hotel in 45 minutes.

    Citadines Hotel Keqiao
    Moving to next aspect on Workshop Venue Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Venue

    As alternatives you could use public trasnsportations from Hangzhou Airport to Keqiao, but it requires a minimum familiarity with Chinese Mass Transportation System; you can even consider to land in Shanghai Airport and take a fast train or a Limousine Service for around 150 Euro (2 1/2 hours). Please note, that Keqiao has fast train connections with all major Chinese Towns in addition to Planes: for instance Ningbo (South East, 40 minutes), Hangzhou (North, 15 minutes), Shanghai (North East, 2 hours). Keqiao is connected also by Underground with Hangzhou (45 minutes) and Shaoxing (5 minutes considering Keqiao is a district of this town with 5 million people).

    Moving to next aspect on Workshop Venue Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Venue

    Keqiao City: Keqiao is a district of Shaoxing City, Textile Industry Capital of China; Keqiao holds an International Rearch Park that is the Workshop Site and it is the Founding Location of Chinese Calligraphy and host of Emperor. Keqiao has around 1 million inhabitants and it is located in between Hangzhou (around 14 million), Chinese Fashion Capital and defined "most beautyful city of the World" by Marco Polo and Shaoxing, Textile Capital (around 4 millions).

    Final Aspect of Workshop Issues Moving to previous aspect on Workshop Venue

    Free Touristic Visa for China China VISA & Notes: Please note that currently from Western Country you have access to Free Touristic Visa (15 days) for China and you can prepare it on the Plane; you need just to mention your Accomodation (e.g. Citadines Keqiao, Shaoxing) and a Person and Reference Phone Number (you could use Sonni Hu Jiayi,, Phone +86 151 67112XXX).
    Please note also that out of Major Chinese Towns such as Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, you could experience problems with your Western Credit Cards and you could need to have Chinese Cash and/or activate an account on a App for smartphone such as Ali Pay that is probably the most popular here; eventually the Workshop Organization can support you in organizing with Agencies Tours and Visits. Hereafter we will propose you some Experience to be organized on the Weekend and in Wednesday November 23, 2024. For additional info please write to WAMS2024,


    AIS Docet in China
    For further information please contact:, or

    Coyright (c) 2023-2024 Simulation Team