Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2004 Pictures

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SCSC2004 Groups:

Agostino Bruzzone (SCSC2004 General Chair), Edward Williams (SCSC2004 Program Chair) and Stefano Saetta (Lean Simulation Workshop Chair) 'enlighting' the SCSC2004 startup Agostino Bruzzone (SCSC2004 General Chair) and Mohammad S.Obaidat (SPECTS2004 General Chair) enjoing SummerSim, SCSC2004 and SPECTS2004 Stefano Saetta (MISS Perugia University Director), Adeline Uhrmacher (Technical Council in Applications in Social Sciences), Agostino Bruzzone (SCSC2004 General Chair) and Helena Szczerbicka (SCS VP for Publications) during early days of SCSC2004 Worawan Marurngsith (SCSC2004 Best Paper Award) with International Friends in front of SCS Boot in the Exhibition of SCSC2004 Stefano Saetta (MISS Perugia University Director), Reuben Mwamakimbullah (Best Paper Award) and Agostino G.Bruzzone (MISS International Director)
Simone Simeoni (Simulation Science Track Chair), Priscilla Elfrey (Simulation in Business Track Chair) and Stefano Saetta (Lean Simulation Workshop Chair) during a SCSC2004 Cofee Break Bernie Ziegler (SCS President), Joe Gauthier (SCS Treasurer), Drew Hamilton (SCS Secretary), Steve Branch (SCS Executive Director) enjoing the end of an Executive Meeting during SCSC2004 Stefano Saetta (Lean Simulation Workshop Chair), Andras Javor (Education Track Chair) and Yadira Mendoza Alegria (Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas) in a break in Pool Area located in the core of SCSC2004 Conference Rooms Stefano Saetta (Lean Simulation Workshop Chair), Priscilla Elfrey (Simulation in Business Track Chair) and Agostino Bruzzone (SCSC2004 General Chair) in front of SCS Publications Informal Meeting of SCSC2004 involving many active participatns and organizers: Vince Amico & his wife (UCF), Ralph Huntsinger (Bialystok Univ.), Richard McDonald (Raw Labs), Helen Guixiu (NIST), Agostino Bruzzone (MISS Genoa), Stefano Saetta (Univ.Perugia), Toni Guasch (UPC), Miquel A. Piera (UAB), Gabriel Wainer (Carleton Univ.), 
Fabrice Bernardi (Corse Univ.), Capocchi Laurent (Corse University), Simone Simeoni (Liophant)
Stefano Saetta (MISS Perugia), Vince Amico (UCF and SCS Hall of Fame) and his wife during SCSC2004 relax moment: an Apple a Day take the VV&A troubles away Agostino Bruzzone (MISS Genoa Director), Helen Guixiu (NIST), Simone Simeoni (Liophant), Richard McDonald (Ram Labs) in San Jose central park, core of Silicon Valley Gabriel Wainer 
Theory & Methodology Technical Council Director Simone Simeoni (Liophant & Simulation Science Track Chair), Edith Cuellar Vazquez (National Institute Of Astrophics, Optics And Electonics), Yadira Mendoza Alegria (Instituto De Investigaciones Electricas), Sadaf Alam (Edinburgh University), Morawan Marungsith (Edinburgh University and SCSC2004 Best Paper), Agostino Bruzzone (MISS & SCSC2004 General Chair) during a real California Desert Dinner after the SCSC2004 Conference Closing in the sourrondings of San Jose' Simone Simeoni (Liophant Simulation) & Helen Guixiu (NIST) in front of Conference Desk

SCSC2004 Opening and Invited Speaker:

Agostino Bruzzone Opening SCSC2004 with Paul Fishwick (University of Florida) SummerSim2004 Invited Speaker Agostino Bruzzone introducing Paul Fishwick (SCSC2004 Invited Speaker) to present his talk relating 'Simulation and Games' Paul Fishwick (University of Florida) SummerSim2004 Invited Speaker pointing out in replying to a question: 'Hey also in Simulation we look for Money as in Game Industy!' and receiving audience Claps! Paul Fishwick (Invited SCSC2004 Speeker) durign Games and Simulation Demo Setting before his invited speech at SCSC2004, while Agostino Bruzzone (MISS Genoa and SCSC2004 General Chair) and Richard Fujimoto (Gergia Tech and SCS Publication Editor) Paul Fishwick (Invited SCSC2004 Speeker) receiving a 'Virtual Representation' of SCS Gratitude and Recognition for his activity by Agostino Bruzzone (SCSC2004 General Chair)

SCSC2004 Exhibition Reception:

Exhibition Reception during SCSC2004 SCS Members and SISO Director mixing during SCSC2004 Reception M.A.Piera (University Autonoma de Barcelona), E.Williams (PM Corp), A.Javor (University of Technology and Econmics of Budapest) and Helen Guixiu (NIST) running to sessions after SCSC2004 Coffee Breaks Exhibition Reception preparing itself for Best Student Paper Award

SCSC2004 Student Workshop Best Paper Award:

The SCSC2004 Student Workshop Best Paper Award Committee (Edward Williams, Agostino Bruzzone and Simone Simeoni) during the Opening Ceremony with the Sponsors (Dave Cook, Aegis and Bernie Ziegler, ACIMS) Dave Cook, AEgis Technologies Group, Inc. Academic Liason, as Sponsor of SCSC2004 Student Workshop, enjoing the Liophant Award for the Support to Simulation Community in front of two Liophanters: Edward Williams (SCSC2004 Program Chair) and Simone Simeoni (Simulation Science Track Chair) Agostino Bruzzone as President of Liophant awarding Bernie Ziegler, Co-Director of ACIMS for sponsoring the Winning Award of SCSC2004 Student Workshop
SCSC2004 Student Workshop Best Student Paper Competition: Bertan Altuntas (The Pennsylvania State University),  2nd runner awarded by Simone Simeoni, Simulation Science Track Chair SCSC2004 Student Workshop Best Student Paper Competition: Lewis Ntaimo (University of Arizona), 1st runner awarded by Edward Williams, Program Chair SCSC2005 SCSC2004 Student Workshop Best Student Paper Competition: Best Paper Award and 1'000USD Checque from Agostino Bruzzone (SCSC2004 General Chair) to the Winner Reuben Mwamakimbullah (University of Idaho) SCSC2004 Awarded Best Student Papers and Committee: Edward Williams (President of Best Paper Award Committee and SCSC2004 Program Chair,
1st and 2nd Best Paper Runners and Reuben Mwamakimbullah (Best Paper Award), Dave Cook (Aegis Representative and Academic Liason), Bernie Ziegler (SCS International President and ACIMS Co-Director), Agostino Bruzzone (MISS International Director and SCSC2004 General Chair)
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