Crown Plaza, Ottawa, Canada

July 11-14, 2010

SummerSim2010 General Chairs:
Agostino Bruzzone
MISS DIPTEM, University of Genoa

Hamid Vakilzadian
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Local Organization Committee Chair
Gabriel Wainer
SCE, Carleton University

Exhibits Chair
Edward Williams
University of Michigan - Dearborn, USA

Jean Belanger

Sponsored by
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International

P.O. Box 17900
San Diego, CA  92177-7900
Tel: 858-277-3888
Fax: 858-277-3930

2010 International Simulation Multi-conference (ISMc2010)

The 2010 International Simulation Multi-conference consists of:

Original, high-quality technical papers are solicited for review, possible presentation and subsequent publication in the conference proceedings. Abstract are strongly encouraged in advance of the final papers. All final paper submissions are to be made electronically to SCS via the SCS Conference Proceedings Management System. Include complete postal and e-mail addresses, and fax and phone numbers of corresponding author. Papers must be in English. For further instructions, please refer to the Submission Instructions in the SCS Conference Proceedings Management System web site. Confirmations will be sent to the contact author when the file has been retrieved and successfully viewed or printed. Only original unpublished material will be considered for publication. Authors should identify the area(s) in which they think their contribution would best fit, and should clearly indicate whether the submission is for a poster session or a full paper. Only papers that have not been previously published or presented are acceptable. Authors must obtain any employer, client, or government clearances before submission of the final manuscript. All conference attendees are expected to participate at their own expense.

a PDF version of this Call For Papers is available here.

Key Dates

  • Special session proposals: November 31, 2009
  • Submission of papers: February 23, 2010
  • Notification of Acceptance: April 24, 2010
  • Final Submission: May 22, 2010
  • See the individual topic area conferences and SCSC2010 Tracks for conference-specific Key Dates.


    SummerSim2010 provides Corporate Members and other vendors, offering products and services compatible with the technical program, a low-cost opportunity to display on a tabletop or with free-standing equipment. The program provides specific time blocks designed to enhance vendor contact with attendees who are eager to learn about new products for simulations and simulators.  For Exhibit Information, contact the Exhibits Chair.

    For additional Conference Information, contact SCS.

    Sponsored by
    The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
    P.O. Box 17900
    San Diego, California 92177-7900
    Phone 858-277-3888
    FAX 858-277-3930

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