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International Multidisciplinary Modelling & Simulation Multiconference

The M&S Multiconference moving around the World and along the Years attended by Top Experts from Mediterranean, Latin & North Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia

I3M - International Multidisciplinary Modelling & Simulation Multiconference

Official Web Site

Hotel Courtyard by Marriott Wien Messe - Wien, Austria
September 19-21, 2012

I3M Final Program (Local Mirror)
I3M Program at Glance (Local Mirror)

Call for Paper I3M2012 in Wien, Austria

Call for Paper I3M2013 in Greece


The International Conference on Modelling & Applied Simulation

European Modelling & Simulation Symposium

The International Conference on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation - HMS

The International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS

New Simulation Project Workshop

The International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care

McLeod Workshop

The 6th International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation, IMAACA

Modelling & Simulation Network Workshop


  • Submission of Papers & Session Proposals: May 15th, 2012

  • Notification of Acceptance: June 15th, 2012

  • Final Camera-Ready Submission: July 15st, 2012

I3M 2012: New Edition

In 2012 the 9th edition of I3M is held in Wien, Austria, renovating the opportunity to have an International Multiconference involving different Modelling & Simulation areas and providing an ideal opportunity to meet together in the wonderful framework of the Wiener Blut.

    I3M & International Journals

    It is a long tradition for I3M to provide opportunities to its Authors to extend their work for being published in International Journals; in fact as one of the most important and successful Simulation appointment, I3M 2012 includes historical conferences such us EMSS and HMS that this years celebrate respectively the 24th and 14th years edition.
    Thanks to the invaluable works of the Organizing Committees, International Program Committees, Reviewers and Local Organizers, this year the I3M Multiconference is one of the biggest events of M&S worldwide.
    So, due to these reasons, several International Journals will publish Special Issues based on a collection of extended versions of best selected papers among those submitted to I3M2012 (EMSS 2012, HMS2012, MAS2012, IMAACA 2012, DHSS2012, IWISH2012). In particular the following Special Issues will include papers from I3M:

    • International Journal of Food Engineering

      • Special Issue on: "Modelling and Simulation of Food Processing and Operations"
        I3M2012 International Journal Special Issue: International Journal of Food Engineering Special Issue on: Modelling and Simulation of Food Processing and Operations

    • International Journal of Critical Infrastructures

      • Special Issue on: "Homeland security: a Control System Point of View"
        I3M2012 International Journal Special Issue: International Journal of Critical Infrastructures - Homeland security: a Control System Point of View

    • International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling

      • Special Issue on: "The Future of Modeling & Simulation: Applications in Industrial Plants, Processes and Services"
        I3M2012 International Journal Special Issue: International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling - Special Issue on: The Future of Modeling & Simulation: Applications in Industrial Plants, Processes and Services

    • International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling

      • Special Issue on: "The Future of Modeling & Simulation: Training, Experimentation and Decision Making"
        I3M2012 International Journal Special Issue: International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling - Special Issue on: The Future of Modeling & Simulation: Training, Experimentation and Decision Making

    • International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management

      • Special Issue on: "Modeling, Simulation and Computational Methods for Privacy and Healthcare Information"
        I3M2012 International Journal Special Issue: International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management: Special Issue on: “Modeling, Simulation and Computational Methods for Privacy and Healthcare Information

    • Journal of Computational Science

      • Special Issue on: "Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation"
        I3M2012 International Journal Special Issue: Journal of Computational Science, Special Issue: “Multimodal Modeling and Simulation

    I3M related Events & Initiatives

    I3M Best Paper Awards
      I3M Conference delivers, annually, for each conference (EMSS, HMS, MAS, IMAACA, DHSS, I_WISH), Best Paper Awards by selecting best contributions based on detailer review process by the International Scientific Committee; the I3M Best Paper Awards are delivered during the conference to selected Authors. All the papers evaluated in the process are considered for being published in original extended version on Special Issues of International Journals related to I3M. In fact I3M, being one of the most important and successful Simulation appointment, includes several classical and very high qualified Conferences such us EMSS and HMS (respectively 24th Edition for EMSS and 14th edition for HMS in 2012). Thanks to the invaluable works of the Organizing Committees, International Program Committees, Reviewers and Local Organizers, I3M Multiconference is still one of major scientific events of M&S worldwide. In addition, students paper submissions are evaluated for the Gianni Cantice Award for Gifted Simulation Students. In fact it is a long tradition for I3M to provide opportunities to its best Authors to extend their work for being published in International Journals. So, due to these reasons, several International Journals will publish Special Issues based on a collection of extended versions of best selected papers among those submitted to I3M (EMSS, HMS, MAS, IMAACA, DHSS, IWISH).

    Gianni Cantice Award for Gifted Simulation Students
    Smackdown at I3M2012, Wien
      Special Session and a Demonstration of Smackdown are presented during I3M2012 in connection with NASA Center. The event is a follow up from previous Smackdown in Boston, Rome and Orlando. In fact, Smackdown is a “distributed,” multi-team cooperative competition that occurs simultaneously across multiple time-zones. Participating teams design, model, program, test, and operate a simulated spacecraft—or other mission device such as a rover or satellite—on a simulated mission from the Earth to a virtual moon base. To achieve mission success, teams must consider the laws of physics, gravity, trajectory data, fuel, payload size, and landing site characteristics just as they would with a real-life mission. The simulation is complex and requires a number of components, diverse systems, and organizations—distributed across the globe—to work in tandem, emphasizing and demonstrating the concept of “interoperability.” In this instance of distributed simulation, each team have access to a common and seamless platform from which to work regardless of location. This includes NASA simulation components, SISO (simulation interoperability standards organization) provided standards (HLA IEEE 1516-2010), industry supplied High Level Architecture (HLA) software, and the option of using HLA toolbox for Matlab. The idea for Smackdown was conceived by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) engineer Zack Crues and implemented by NASA and SISO Space Community Forum to encourage students to learn about the importance of modeling and simulation. In addition, the event provides students with a great opportunity to gain valuable skills by doing real work in this fast-growing and recession-proof segment of the economy. In the process, students become “job-ready” and more employable than the average college graduate. Smackdown also forges a much-needed relationship between stakeholders in academia, the marketplace, and government. Smackdown seeks to strengthen the M&S community across industry, government, and academia. M&S is an increasingly valuable tool in science and engineering, with applications that span virtually all industries and services. It gives us the ability to imitate and explore the facets of complex real-world experiences without incurring the risk, expense, and time associated with building, testing, and training in the real world. To date, educational programs that provide a strong background in modeling and simulation are rare, especially ones designed to help students become more employable. As more people realize the benefits of M&S, the need to educate, train, and certify M&S practitioners, researchers, and teachers become increasingly apparent. Efforts to meet this challenge can take a number of forms such as academic degree programs, non-degree professional education, professional certifications, and educational outreach. More secondary school programs are giving attention to modeling, simulation, and related emerging technologies. However, these programs are mostly in the engineering, computer science, and medical degree tracks. The lack of investment and planning energy does not mean that M&S leaders believe that a skilled workforce is unimportant. Indeed, numerous stakeholders have identified the need for competent and seasoned modeling and simulation professionals. Nonetheless, members of the simulation community perceive a persistent gap in workforce development and have identified many factors that may be hindering the “mending” process. Smackdown, along with other efforts, is an engaging, fun, and novel way to help remove these obstacles and facilitate the creation of a robust culture of M&S professionals. Smackdown’s potential as a satisfying, scalable, and ambitious yet “doable” undertaking sparked enthusiastic support from the M&S community. It was demonstrated for the first time in Boston in April, 2011, at the Spring Simulation Multiconference and in September 2011 in Rome during I3M Conference. Teams participated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Alabama at Huntsville, Pennsylvania, North Carolina State Colleges, University of Bordeaux (France) and Genoa University (Italy) as well as interns at JSC. The university teams and their faculty advisors consulted with a wide range of organizations, including: NASA, SISO, AEgis Technologies, ForwardSim, MÄK, and Pitch Technologies. The Smackdown Executive, Outreach, Planning, and Technical Committees, who spearheaded this event, provided organizational and technical advice, recruited participants, and gained valuable publicity. Additional support was provided by other members within the international M&S community. These groups formed the backbone of Smackdown and continue their vital support today. For the event, students had access to SISO’s standards for High Level Architecture Evolved (HLA-evolved). NASA provided the “federates” or virtual components of the simulation, including the orbit shuttle and transport rover, as well as technical and mentoring support. MÄK and Pitch Technologies provided the HLA software, while ForwardSIM supplied the Matlab programming tools and training, 3D viewer, and Simulink platform, which reduced the programming learning curve and created a more engaging and memorable experience. Other Industry, Academic and Government mentors advised students on technical issues, enabling them to build and populate the 3D simulated environment with greater ease. The outcome of this initiative was the successful planning, experimentation, testing, and demonstration of their work during the SISO Smackdown event.

    WAMS - Workshop in Applied Modeling & Simulation & CAX Forum: Wien & Rome, 2 Conference in a Row
      There is a very good opportunity to combine two important M&S Conference in two beautiful Capitals of Europe (Wien, Austria and Rome, Italy) within one Week.
      In fact just after I3M2012 in Wien, next monday through thursday, we organize in Rome the International Workshop in Applied Modeling & Simulation & CAX Forum (September 24-27, 2012).
      You can contact letizia.nicoletti@simulationteam.com for information about special flight opportunities and joint registration fees. These two events: WAMS2012 and CAX Forum 2012 are co-located in Ergife Palace Hotel, Rome mostly in the same period (September 12-15 2012) with joint opening and sessions. The WAMS attendees have access to all unclassified session of CAX Forum; the CAX Forum attendees are enabled to attend WAMS Opening and Plenary Presentations free of charge, while access to special WAMS sessions could be available through a special rate (please contact Prof.F.Longo, francesco.longo@simulationteam.com for details). Special Joint Panels and Demonstrations are organized and included in the program of these two important events.


General Chairs

Program Chair

I3M Exhibition Chair

I3M2012 is Scientifically sponsored by:

International Multidisciplinary Council of Simulation active in Mediterranean, Europe, Latin & North America, Asia, Africa & Australia
Liophant Simulation
Simulation Team
McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation, Simulation Team, Genoa Center
Modeling & Simulation Net
Institute of Information Technology - Department of Modelling & Simulation - Riga Technical Univeristy
Laboratoire des Sciences del'Information et des Systèmes
Simulation Center - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - University of Perugia
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Russian Simulation Society
Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas CONICET UNR UPCAM
Simulation Team
McLeod Institute of Technology and Interoperable Modeling & Simulation, Simulation Team, Genoa Center
Latvian Simulation Center MIK Riga TU
LSIS Marseille
Simulation Center- University of Perugia
National Russian Simulation Society
Simulation Team MITIM Genoa - Dipartimento di Ingegneria della Produzione, Termoenergetica e Modelli Matematici - University of Genoa
Brazilian Simulation Center - Grupo de Realidade Virtual Aplicada - Laboratório de Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia - Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Spanish Simulation Center - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica - Universita' della Calabria
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática y Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores - Universidad de La Laguna
Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénie en Sciences Appliquées
Modeling & Simulation Center - Laboratory of Enterprise Solutions
Modelling & Simulation Center of Excellence - Rome
Movimento Italiano Modelling & Simulation
Comite' Espanol de Automatica CEA-IFAC
Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication
Simulation Team MITIM DIPTEM
Brasilian Simulation Center LAMCE UFRJ
Spanish Simulation Center - UAB/UPC
Mechanical Department - University of Calabria
ISA ATC Universidad de la Laguna

I3M2012 Industrial Sponsors:
Management of Advanced Solutions and Technologies srl

Cal-Tek srl

Lio Tech ltd

I3M2012 Media Partners:
InderScience Publisher - International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling (IJSPM) & International Journal of Critical Infrastructures (IJCI)

InderScience Publisher - International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling (IJSPM)
InderScience Publisher - International Journal of Critical Infrastructures (IJCI)
IGI Global Disseminator of Knowledge - International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management (IJPHIM)

International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management (IJPHIM)


The Journal for Healthcare Education, Simulation and Training - HALLDALE MEDIA GROUP

Euromerci - Logistics and Transportation Journal of ASSOLOGISTICA, ASSOLOGISTICA Cultura e Formazione

I3M Exhibitors & Media Partners
    I3M exhibition provides an unique opportunity to Simulation Companies & Vendors for presenting their innovative solutions to a wide audience; I3M2011 in Rome involved about 500 attendees and Industrial Sponsors representing large corporations, high-tech companies and Small & Medium Size Enterprises such as Presagis, CAE, Cal-Tek, Mast, Aegis. In addition to the Industrial Sponsors it is very interesting the possibility to become an I3M Media Sponsor; for additional info on these issues please check the Sponsorship Package, contact the Exhibition Chair Enrico Bocca or I3M Services

Guidelines: Forms:
I3M Conference Presentations and Overviews:
  • I3M2012 Welcome
  • Conference Overview of EMSS: The European Modelling & Simulation Symposium 2012 , Vienna, Septmber 19-21 - URL
  • Conference Overview of HMS: The International Conference on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation 2012, Vienna, Septmber 19-21 - URL
  • Conference Overview of MAS: The International Conference on Modelling & Applied Simulation 2012, Vienna, Septmber 19-21 - URL
  • Conference Overview of IMAACA: The International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation 2012, Vienna, Septmber 19-21 - URL
  • Conference Overview of DHSS: The International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop 2012, Vienna, Septmber 19-21 - URL
  • Conference Overview of IWISH: The International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care 2012, Vienna, Septmber 19-21 - URL

  • I3M Pictures Opening I3M2012 Wien

    Venue & Accomodation

    Social Events & Gala Dinners

    I3M Ethics

    For Further Information please contact: marina.massei@simulationteam.com

    I3M Conferences:

  • I3M2013 Greece
  • I3M2012 Wien, Austria
  • I3M2011 Rome, Italy
  • I3M2010 Fes, Morocco
  • I3M2009 Tenerife, Spain
  • I3M2008 Campora S.G., Calabria
  • I3M2007 Bergeggi Riviera, Italy
  • I3M2006 Barcelona, Spain
  • I3M2005 Marseille, France
  • I3M2004 Genoa, Italy

  • Printable Call for Papers
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