Dimitris Pachakis and Anne S. Kiremidjian
The John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305-4020
Email: dpach@stanford.edu,
KEYWORDS: Ship traffic, Distribution, Data analysis, Risk analysis
Simulation models have been used extensively in planning and analysis of port operations. Many different simulators exist, varying in complexity and objectives; some studying bulk terminals (UNCTAD 1969; Park and Noh 1987) and others studying container (Ramani 1996; Kozan 1996) or military (Nevins et al. 1998) terminals. However, there is a lack of detail in the published papers due to the fact that most of the models are proprietary (Holguin-Veras and Walton 1995). Moreover, the traffic data on which these models are based are also proprietary. As a result, each time a new simulation model is created, a new analysis of port operations and traffic data has to take place for model calibration and verification. In cases where simulation is performed in the planning stage, there is no data available with regards to ship specifications and distributions of loaded and discharged cargo as well as service time distributions. In this paper, the authors present the methodology that was followed in the analysis of port traffic and operations data for a particular simulation model that was created in the context of risk analysis. Although particular parameters are not presented here (and would pertain only to a specific port), the approach that is described is helpful in guiding the early stages of ship traffic and ship-berth operations modeling.