HMS2002 & MAS2002 Program

The International Workshop on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation

The International Workshop on Modeling & Applied Simulation

Claudio Hotel & Congress Center, Bergeggi - Italy

Italian Riviera / "Riviera delle Palme" - October 3 - 5, 2002 

DAY 1: Thursday, October 3rd, 2002

Welcome and plenary speech: 3 October 2002, 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Coffee Break

Session I: 3 October 2002, 11:00 am - 12:30 am - Maritime Applications

Chair: Yuri Merkuryev, Riga TU
HMS2002_5 A Generic Reusable Model of a Harbour System Described at a Macro Level Detail
M. Bacardit*, J.Canudas, M.A. Piera**, J.Vila*, A. Guasch*, S.Ametller, D.Verges
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya &  Unitat d’Enginyeria de Sistemes i Automàtica de l’Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,  Spain
HMS2002_11 Chaotic Inventory Management as Benchmarking for Maritime Supply Chain Performance Evaluation 
Agostino Bruzzone, Simone Viazzo, Alessandra Orsoni
DIP University of Genoa, Italy - Liophant Simulation Club
HMS2002_18 Harbor Modeling and Simulation: A Mobile Component Approach
Fernando J. Barros
Dept. Eng. Informática Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Speakers Lunch

Session II: 3 October 2002, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm - Transportation Applications

Chair: Robert Signorile, Boston College
HMS2002_1 Simulation in International Service-Analysis of Windsor-Detroit Tunnel Traffic
Edward J. Williams, Drew Podges
University of Michigan & Dearborn USA
HMS2002_6  A generic methodology for building railroad models
J.Vila*, M. Bacardit*, A. Guasch*, M.A. Piera**
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya &  Unitat d’Enginyeria de Sistemes i Automàtica de l’Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,  Spain
HMS2002_15 An Architecture for Agent-based Simulation of Rail/Road Transport
Andrea Rizzoli, Petra Funk, Luca Gambardella
IDSIA Switzerland
HMS2002_22 Workflow/HLA Distributed Simulation Environment
G. Zacharewicz, C. Frydman, C. Zanni
LSIS France

Coffee Break

Session III: 3 October 2002, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm - Container Simulation

Chair: Enrico Bocca, Liophant Simulation Club
HMS2002_3 Statistical Analysis of Container Port Traffic and Operations Data
Dimitris Pachakis and Anne S. Kiremidjian
The John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center, Stanford University, USA
HMS2002_8 Multi-level simulation of logistics processes at the Baltic Container Terminal 
Yuri Merkuryev*, Vladimir Bardatchenko*,Andrey Solomennikov* and Fred Kamperman**;
Department of Modelling and Simulation Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia* - Baltic Container Terminal, Ltd., Riga, Latvia**
HMS2002_10 Container Handling Operator Safety And Training: Analysis of Data From Crane Operator Training Simulator 
Paolo Fadda, Gianfranco Fancello, Simone Loi 
CRIMM Centro Ricerche Modelli di Mobilità - Dipartimento Ingegneria del Territorio, sez. Trasporti - Università di Cagliari   Italy

DAY 2: Friday, October 4th, 2002

Session IV: 4 October 2002, 9:00 am - 10:30 am - Production & Logistics

Chair: Edward J. Williams, University of Michigan
HMS2002_2 Reflective simulation of logistic and production systems
Eugene Kindler, Ivan Krivy, Alain Tanguy
Ostrava University Faculty of Sciences, Ostrava, Czech Republic & Blaise Pascal UniversityLIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand, France Czech, France
HMS2002_19 Simulation Modelling of both Automated and Human-based Manufacturing and Assembly Line
Giorgio Mossa, Giovanni Mummolo
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Gestionale Politecnico di Bari Italy
HMS2002_4 Shortest-Lenght Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis testing for System Availability
Nicholas A. Nechval, Konstantin N. Nechval, Eugene Kopytov, Edgars Vasermanis, Uldis Rozevskis
Computer Science Department, Institute of Transport & Telecommunications, University of Latvia, Latvia
HMS2002_23 Object-Oriented Library for developing Simulation models specified by Aggregate Approach
Henrikas Pranevicius, Vytautas Pilkauskas
Business Informatics Department - Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Coffee Break

Session V: 4 October 2002, 11:00 am - 12:30 am - Virtual Reality & Synthetic Enviroments

Chair: Leonid Novicky, Riga TU
HMS2002_14 Virtual Shop through Internet: E-Business for Supermarket Chains 
Agostino Bruzzone**, Matteo Brandolini*, Simone Simeoni**, Marina Massei*
Liophant Simulation Club*, DIP Italy**
HMS2002_9 Collaborative Virtual Environments for Petroleum Industry: User Interface Aspects
Carlos Luiz N. dos Santos and Luiz Landau
Department of Civil Engineering, UFRJ/COPPE/PEC/LAMCE Brazil
HMS2002_12 Development of a Tool for Reaction to Oil Spill Emergency Simulation
Chiara Briano*, Alessandra Orsoni**, Simone Viazzo*
Liophant Simulation Club*, DIP Italy**
HMS2002_17  Ship Design and Interoperability Verification through an HLA-Based Simulation 
Aldo Zini*, Andrea Lommi*, Riccardo Necrisi*, Davide Tozzi*, Marco Raffa** and Roberto Costa**
Cetena* - Fincantieri Italy**

Speakers Lunch

Session VI: 4 October 2002, 2:00 am - 3:30 am - Logistics Projects

Chair: Aldo Zini, CETENA
HMS2002_16 Intensive Education in Advanced Logistics 
Priscilla Elfrey 
HMS2002_20 Company Logistics Checkup: International Team Experiences in IEPAL Project
Marina Massei, Simone Simeoni, Enrico Briano, Enrico Mantero
Liophant Simulation Club
HMS2002_7 The Baltports-IT Project: Applications of Simulation Models and Information Systems in Maritime Sector of the Baltic States 
Eberhard Blümel, - Leonid Novitsky, - Yuri Merkuryev - Henrikas Praniavicius
Fraunhofer IFF, Germany - Riga Technical University, Latvia - Kaunas TU, Lithuania
HMS2002_21 LESNEX: LEan Simulation Network of Excellence
Agostino Bruzzone*, Stefano Saetta**
*DIP University of Genoa, **DIIN University of Perugia

Coffee Break

Session VI: 4 October 2002, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm - MAS Panel Session Development of Simulation Projects

Chair: Claudia Frydman, DIAM - IUSPIM

Gala Dinner

DAY 3: Saturday, October 5th, 2002

Special Sessions VII: 5 October 2002, 10:30 am - 5:30 pm - MAS Concurrent Meetings

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