European Modelling & Simulation Symposium - EMSS
The EMSS represents the 36th edition of the classic autumn M&S event in Europe;
therefore the Symposium is a really International meeting involving world experts in the area; EMSS last editions were held in
but previous one it was in Lisbon (2019),
Budapest (2018),
(2015, 2007),
Barcelona ( 2006, 2017),
Canary Islands,
Marseille (2005,2001),
Budapest, Delft (2003, 1993), Dresden (2002, 1992), Hamburg, Erlangen (1999,1995), Notthingham, Passau, Genoa, Istanbul, Ghent (1991,1990) and
New Simulation Project Workshop - NSP
This event is the ideal framework for setting up European Community and International Projects and it is a framework for hosting project review and exploitation meetings; NSP welcome submissions for panel sessions on new simulation project proposal; special attention will be dedicated to EU Proposal setup.
McLeod Workshop
The International Conference on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics M&S - HMS
HMS Conference is a traditional event and it was held successfully worldwide, usually in the sourrondings
of major international ports (i.e. Genoa, Marseille, Riga, Rio de Janeiro,
Barcelona, etc.).
It is focused on applications of simulation and computer technologies
to logistics, supply chain management, multimodal transportation, maritime environment and industrial logistics.
The International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation- MAS
The MAS Conference concentrates on applied M&S and computer technologies; application fields include production, business and services. Since 2002 it involves Industries and Experts discussiong on the potential of M&S applied in real world; in Tenerife it is organized the 20th Edition of MAS.
MAS includes also a new Track on "Simulation for Strategic Engineering"
Modelling & Simulation Network Workshop
The Modeling and Simulation Network (M&SNet) is a world-wide consortium of 14 independent organizations and 34 centers. A young and active network (established in 2003) of researchers, professors, practitioners devoted to support the continuous improvement in the field of Modeling & Simulation (M&S).
Its continuing mission to search for innovative ways to use M&S as well as innovative domains of application and to disseminate M&S principles (both theoretical and ethics).
The MS&Net workshop aims to create an evolving framework for sharing experience and knowledge in which participants have the possibility of effective cooperation. Tracks organization is intended to cover all the research areas of MS&Net centers: knowledge exchange is the key of successful collaborations.
The workshop provides to affiliated centers a researches intersection point and to external applicants a research access point to the art and science of Modeling & Simulation.
The International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation
IMAACA 2025 is organized
within I3M;
all IMAACA attendees are invited to plan their attendance in IMAACA2025;
indeed this Conference in the past was organized in Europe, America and Africa and now it is moving back to Europe;
IMAACA brings experts together for the purpose of presenting and discussing all type of application relevant control and
automation problems emphasizing the role of model analysis as integral part of the complete design of the automated and autonomous system.
Particularly, it is focusing on new concepts, methods, techniques, and tools conceived in order to support an integrative interplay of modeling,
identification, simulation, system analysis and control theory in all the stages of system design.
The International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop
DHSS 2025 is 15th Edition of a workshop focusing on the advances and potential of using M&S
within Defense and Homeland Security framework.
DHSS brings experts together for the purpose of presenting and discussing all type of innovation related to the
use of Modelling & Simulation in these areas of applications.
DHSS focuses on new concepts, methods, techniques and tools for advancing in modelling & simulation sector.
This year, DHSS is co-located with NATO CAX Forum in Rome and will run on next days after I3M, special condition for double registrations will be available.
The International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care
I WISH 2025 is a workshop focusing on the advances and
potential of using M&S within Health Care; during
the last years Simulation in Health Care and Medicine is exploding both in term of applications as well as innovative solutions;
since very long time (i.e.1996 EMSS) the topic was
addressed by specific tracks in Conferences and Workshops, while in 2011 several track and internal Workshops was organized on this subject, so
finally in 2012 the Health Care Simulation Workshop becomes and independent and active element of the Multiconference.
I WISH brings experts together for the purpose of presenting and discussing all type of innovation related to the
use of Modelling & Simulation in these areas of applications.
I WISH focuses on new concepts, methods, techniques and tools for advancing in this modelling & simulation sector.
The International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment
SESDE 2025 is focusing on using
M&S in applications related to Energy,
Sustainability and Environmental Issues.
Scientists and Subject Matter Experts in these sectors are invited to present innovative papers.
The application of M&S to this sector represents a major opportunity considering the nature of
the complex systems related to these issues that need to be studied and analyzed.
The international Food Operations & Processing Simulation Workshop focuses on M&S applied to Food Industry
FoodOPS is focusing on using M&S in applications related to Food Industry;
indeed food engineering has expanded enormously in terms of issues addressed, theories and tools deployed to improve food processing and food traceability;
therefore there is a growing effort toward the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques as well as mathematical modeling and software
development for food processing and traceability purposes.