CATS - Criminal Activities, Threats and organizations by Simulation


Criminal Activities, Threats and organizations by Simulation

CATS CATS is a MS2G Solution devoted to Model Crime, Antagonist Organizations and Threats as well as their Dynamics on the Terrain over Time. CATS is driven by IA (Intelligent Agents) connected to these Entities as well as to Law Enforcements & the other Players in order to experiment Different Hypotheses & Actions CATS is a Stochastic Discrete Event Simulation that has been also federated with other Simulators of Simulation Team involving HMB

HBM Human Behavior Modeling
MS2G Modeling and interoperable Simulation and Serious Games

Point(s) of Contact:
  • Agostino G. Bruzzone,

  • Copyright (c) 2014 Agostino Bruzzone, SIM4Future

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