CW-BRAINS3 - Cognitive Warfare - Behavioral Response Analysis, Integration 

Network and Simulation for decision Support & Success


CW-BRAINS3 - Cognitive Warfare - Behavioral Response Analysis, Integration Network and Simulation for decision Support & Success

CW-BRAINS3 is Solution using AI & M&S to support the Decisions related to Cognitive Vectors to be carried out on very Complex Scenarios that involve Kinetics, Cyber & Cognitive as well as Hybrid Warfare. In this Solution, the Simulation Team provides capabilities to develop BPSM in Defensive and Offensive Way using LLMs and MS2G automatically and to support Understanding of Opponent Strategies and Optimizing your own Actions

AI Artificial Intelligence
HBM Human Behavior Models
LLM Large Language Model
M&S Modeling & Simulation
MS2G Modeling, interoperable Simulation, Serious Games

Point(s) of Contact:
  • Agostino G. Bruzzone,

  • Copyright (c) 2023 Agostino Bruzzone, SIM4Future

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