DRYAS4 - Dynamic Reactive solution for opponent Yielding based on Artificial intelligent 

Systems, Simulation and Strategic engineering for Success


Dynamic Reactive solution for opponent Yielding based on Artificial intelligent Systems, Simulation and Strategic engineering for Success

DRYAS4 is based on use of M&S, AI/IA & Data Analytics to support the Strategic Decision Making in PMESII-PT and simulates this Comprehensive Sector. DRYAS4 is able to evaluate the impacts of DIMEFIL Actions on Global Scenarios including Nations, Coalitions, Populations, Interest Groups respect many Layers, Domains & Dimensions

MS2G Modeling and interoperable Simulation and Serious Games

Point(s) of Contact:
  • Agostino G. Bruzzone, agostino.bruzzone@simulationteam.com

  • Copyright (c) 2022 Agostino Bruzzone, SIM4Future

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