SOAVE - Simulation for Operation and Actions Virtual Experience


Simulation for Operation and Actions Virtual Experience

SOAVE is a Solution by Simulation Team for experiencing the use of Strategic Engineering, M&S & Data Analytics in a realistic case. SOAVE offers an Interactive Scenario to use these new Methodologies and to face Operation Complexity even within this basic case: APC, SAM SPH, different UAV, etc. All of them operating within a desertic area including minefields. Blue RWUAVs use innovative AI to detect mines defining a safe path while Red Loitering Munitions attack the Blue Forces. The Scenario evolves on SOAVE (LV Stochastic Simulation Engine) driven by IAs, while Users change input (e.g. Assets, Mix and Types of Drones) analyzing a large set of output from each Simulation Run applying ANOVA, DOE & ML SOAVE - Simulation for Operation and Actions Virtual Experience

AI Artificial Intelligence
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
APC Armored Personnel Carrier
DOE Design of Experiments
IAs Intelligent Agents
LV Live Virtual
ML Machine Learning
M&S Modeling & Simulation
RWUAV Rotary Wing UAV
SPH Self-Propelled Howitzer
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
SAM Surface Air Missile

Point(s) of Contact:
  • Agostino G. Bruzzone,

  • Copyright (c) 2023 Agostino Bruzzone, SIM4Future

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