Synthetic War & Operations Environment for Next Generation M&S
is a new Interoperable Modular Environment of SIM4Future for Mission
Planning, Analysis & Simulation, addressing MDO within CSE in Flexible, Intuitive
& Interactive ways by use of MS2G. SYWOE covers all Domains (Sea, Land, Air, Space
& Cyberspace) & Impacts on the 3 Dimensions (Physical, Virtual & Cognitive). SYWOE is a
Stochastic Simulator driven by the SIM4Future Intelligent Agents capable to automate
Actions & Reactions over Complex Scenarios based on Status, Perceptions, ROE, HBM,
Characteristics & Cognitive Elements. So, SYWOE speeds up Scenario Preparation and
Execution: it runs Real & Fast Time supporting the E&T, Wargaming, Quantification of Risks & Success Rates among COAs,
all by considering also details such as Point Defense against HGV, Cyber & Cognitive Vectors on Forces and/or Population,
Threat Networks/Fifth Columns, SOF, Sabotages. SYWOE supports Strategic & Operational Planning, Operational Analysis, CAX, CAW, AuW.
AuW Audacious Wargaming
CAX Computer Assisted Exercise
CAW Computer Assisted Wargaming
COA Course of Action
CSE Common Synthetic Environment
E&T Education & Training
HBM Human Behavior Models
HGV Hypersonic Glide Vehicle
IA Intelligent Agents
MS2G Modeling, interoperable Simulation & Serious Games
MDO Multi-Domain Operations
ROE Rules of Engagement
SOF Special Forces
MS2G Modeling and interoperable Simulation and Serious Games
Point(s) of Contact:
Agostino G. Bruzzone,
Copyright (c) 2022 Agostino Bruzzone, SIM4Future
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