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SCSC 2001
The theme for this year's conference is:
Making Simulation Work!
The theme of this year's conference is:
"Performance Evaluation for Cost Effective
System Design and Operation" |
July 15-19, 2001
Orlando, Florida
Orlando Airport Marriott |
Sponsored by
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International |
Come share in the maturation of the Modeling and Simulation Profession, Industry and Marketplace.
The theme for this year?s conference is:
Making Simulation Work!
SCSC 2001 addresses the maturation of the industry and the rapidly growing capability to develop and use modeling and simulation in a wide range of application domains.
This year?s Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2001) manifests the commitment of the Society for Modeling and Simulation (SCS) to the successful growth of the entire simulation community. Modeling and Simulation stand on the threshold of a new era - when the practice of simulation will be recognized as a specialized discipline; the coherent and systematic application of simulation to a wide variety of problem domains will be widely appreciated; and the business and professional practice of modeling and simulation will be broadly shared.
The SCSC 2001 will particularly address those topics which define the necessary and sufficient conditions for the ?precipitation? of the next generation of the simulation profession, ...the simulation industry, ...and the simulation marketplace.
Several topical perspectives will serve to illuminate the integrative evolution of the modeling and simulation community. Facets selected for emphasis at the SCSC 2001 include the following:
Simulation Technology - This topical perspective encompasses the fundamental tools, techniques, and competencies which define modeling and simulation. Particular attention will be paid to standards and other such technical enablers which exhibit power and universality of application, and to those technologies which support activities which are ubiquitous to the simulation industry such as conceptual modeling, simulation implementation and qualification (VV&A), and simulation execution exercise.
Simulation Application - The application of modeling and simulation over a wide range of target domains will be addressed in order to educe those elements of M&S practice which are universally relevant and therefore re-usable among alternative application domains. Participants may appreciate the lateral and longitudinal comparisons of simulation applications as well as the details of a variety of innovative application instances.
Simulation Industry and Business Practice - The professional and business practice of modeling and simulation will be addressed in order to identify best practices and to consider how a consistent body of professional practice may be established. This perspective includes consideration of: the establishment of professional standing for simulation practitioners; the identification of appropriate education of simulation professionals; and the establishment of a shared appreciation of the economics of modeling and simulation and of the structure and operation of M&S enterprise and markets.
Papers and panelists from a wide range of application domains are particularly solicited. Participation by diverse simulation communities is expected to heighten awareness at the meeting of the significant similarities and differences which characterize modeling and simulation technology and practice within the industry. By sampling generously across the industry, we expect to discover those topics which are most generally important and which best admit to inter-domain collaboration.
Meeting Contents
Invited Speakers will provide senior executives? views of the evolving simulation landscape. Paper Sessions will report practitioners? progress in addressing issues of general concern. Panels will provide cross-domain review of selected issues. Workshop Sessions will provide a structured, moderated venue for the collegial investigation of topics admitting to subsequent ACTION. Exhibits will afford vendors and users of simulation products and services the opportunity to demonstrate their wares and capabilities. Tutorials provided in conjunction with the Conference will cover broadly relevant topics from the areas of Simulation Technology, Simulation Application, and Simulation Industry and Business Practice. Additionally, a Student Paper competition will take place at the 2001 SCSC.
Special Events
Special Events will accompany the usual technical program at the SCSC 2001. Selected from candidate topics solicited and/or volunteered from areas of particular and immediate interest within the M&S industry, these Special Events will augment the formal Technical Program, Tutorials, and Invited Speakers. Consisting of status briefings and working meetings, arranged with particular deference to the nominating constituency, and scheduled to complement the traditional Program; Special Events are being considered on topics including: 'VV&A State-of-the-art', 'Educational Curricula for the Simulation Professional', 'Certification for Simulation Professionals', 'Simulation and Testing', 'The Role of Simulation in the Medical Sciences', and 'Simulation and the World-Wide-Web', among others. If you are interested in any of these topics or wish to nominate topics of special interest from your own constituency or organization, please contact the Meeting Administrator, Charlotte Sallas CSallas@AEgisTG.com.
Requirements & Deadlines
ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION PROCESSAbstracts or other proposals should be submitted as a PDF file to the SCSC 2001 Manuscript Central site http://scsc2001.manuscriptcentral.com/ by April 30, 2001. Papers received after this date will be considered as long as time and program space permit. Each abstract must include the title of the proposed paper, with a short summary (400_900 words), so that it may be properly positioned in the conference. Please indicate which conference topic is most appropriate, first and second choices. Notifications of acceptance status will be sent on or about May 15, 2001.
Please note that your final manuscript will need to also be electronically submitted as a PDF file to the SCSC 2001 Manuscript Central site http://scsc2001.manuscriptcentral.com/ no later than June 1, 2001 to guarantee inclusion in the conference CD-ROM and final program schedule. Additionally, if you have changed the title, contributing authors and/or content of your abstract as originally submitted, you will want to update this information at this time for an accurate listing in the SCSC 2001 book of abstracts that will be distributed at the conference.
Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference, present their work to their peers, transfer copyright, and pay a conference registration fee at the time of their camera-ready paper. |
Particular application domains of interest include but are not limited to: |
 | Aerospace
 | Chemicals
 | Commerce
 | Communications
 | Construction
 | Economics of M&S
 | Electronics
 | Engineering
 | Entertainment
| | | | | | | | |
 | Environmental
 | Government
 | Hydraulics
 | Industrial Design
 | Materials
 | Medical / Pharmaceutical
 | Military and Para-Military
 | Mining and Geologic
 | Mecatronics
| | | | | | | | |
 | Oceanographic and
 | Atmospheric
 | Optics
 | Organization Design
 | Petroleum
 | Power
 | Semiconductor
 | Service Operations
 | Transportation
| | | | | | | | |
Make the Summer Computer Simulation Conference your
opportunity to influence the future of Modeling and Simulation!
SCSC 2001 Points of Contact
Provisional Technical Program
Simulation Development Technology
Simulation Methodologies: Languages, Tools and Techniques
Mhamed Itmi,
Ralph Huntsinger,
Peggy Gravitz,
Steve Swenson, swensonsj@npt.nuwc.navy.mil
Simulation System Architecture
Katherine Morse,
Bob Lutz,
Simulation System Life-Cycle Evolution
Controlling and Understanding Simulation Significance
Representation of Synthetic Environments
Simulation Application
Application Domains Synopsis
Simulation Based System Engineering
Military Systems Simulation
Jake Borah,
Modeling and Simulation in Human Factors Engineering
Ling Rothrock,
Transportation, Marine, and Automotive Applications
Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications
Science and Engineering
Organizational & Enterprise Simulation
Joseph Barjis,
Simulation Industry and Business Practices
Educating the Simulation Professional
Hessam Sarjoughian,
Hank Okraski,
Vince Amico,
Experiential Digital Media
Pricilla Elfrey,
Influences of Communications & Media
Economics of Modeling and Simulation

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