Simulation Team Solutions at Sea Future 2016

Simulation Team proposed, during Sea Future 2016 , the Following Innovative Solutions, all compliant with most advanced Interoperability Standards for being ready to be integrated with real equipment and other simulators:

  • SO2UCI ( Simulation for Off-Shore, On-Shore & Underwater Critical Infrastructure ): is a Simulation for Training on protecting Off-Shore Platforms (e.g. oil rig, gas rig), On-Shore Critical Infrastructures (e.g. ports, power plants, refineries, desalinators) and Underwater Critical Infrastructures (e.g. cables, pipelines) from Asymmetric Threats using conventional assets and autonomous systems (e.g. RHIB, Helicopters, Sensors, UAV, USV, AUV, Gliders, etc.). The simulator is interoperable by using HLA (High Level Architecture) and support integration with real equipment as well as with other simulators and interfaces (e.g. SPIDER). SO2UCI integrates scenarios for training the use of specific sensors on rotary wing UAV to discriminate suspects boats invading the perimeter of Oil Rig (e.g. face recognition, thermal camera, etc.)