Triage supported by micro UAV within a Contaminated Building

Videos and Demonstrations of Simulation Projects

Biomedical Systems

Developed by the Prof.Agostino G.Bruzzone and his Team at Genoa University

M&S in Biomedical Systems

TEZNAME - Tactics Evaluation & optimiZatioN for Analysis in Medical Environment

HOSSIAN - Hospital Simulation and Analyzer

MOSCA - Modelling Supply Chain Attack

GREENLOG - Green Logistics

SIBILLA - Simulation of an Intelligent Board for Interactive Learning and Lofty Achievements

PANDORA - PANdemic Dynamic Objects Reactive Agents

Augmented Reality Presented in NASA Boot at I/ITSEC in 2007 by Simulation Team

SAR- Simulation and Augmented Reality

IA-CGF - Intelligent Agent Computer Generated Forces

IA-CGF Units - Intelligent Agents, Computer Generated Forces Units

IA-CGF HB- Intelligent Agents, Computer Generated Forces Human Behaviors

IA-CGF NCF - Intelligent Agents, Computer Generated Forces for Non-Conventional Frameworks NCF

IA-CGF EU - Intelligence Agent Computer Generated Forces Entities & Units

CAPRICORN - CIMIC And Planning Research In Complex Operational Realistic Network

Haiti Demo

PSYSOP - Psychological and cultural Simulation Of Population

BACCUS - Behavioral Advanced Characters & Complex Systems Unified Simulator

VELA - Virtual Environment, Live systems and Augmented reality

DVx2 - Distributed Virtual eXperience and eXercise

IDRASS - Immersive Disaster Relief and Autonomous System Simulation

ST_CIPROS VIS - Simulation Team Civil Protection Simulator, Virtual Interoperable Simulation

ST_CRISOM - Simulation Team Crisis Simulation, Organization and Management

SMARTCITY Decision Theater

DT - Decision Theater

BIM3S - Building Information Modeling Safety, Security & Simulation

MOSES - Modelling Sustainable Environments through Simulation

SPIDER - Immersive Disaster Relief and Autonomous System Simulation

CLEARER - Models for Face Recognition in Challenging Environments

OUTSIDE REAL - Virtual & Augmented Reality, Speech Recognition & Simulation

ST_TRAIN - Simulation Team Real Time Interoperable Solutions for Training

CACTUS - City Analysis of Contamination by Tic/Tim Urban Area Simulation

COYOTE - Container terminal & Yard Operator simulator for Training & Education

DIES-IRAE - Disasters, Incidents & Emergencies Simulation & Interoperable Relief Advanced Evaluator

ALACRES2 - Advanced Laboratory for Crisis and Emergencies in Ports and marine domain developed by Simulation within a common collaborative Space

PONTUS - POpulation behavior, social Networks, Transportation, infrastructures and industrial Urban Simulation

TOPRO - Town Protection

VESTIGE - Virus Epidemics Simulation in Towns & Regions for Infection Governance during Emergencies

MINOTAUR - Multipurpose Industrial New Operator & Transport system based on Autonomous Unmanned Robot

JANUS - Joint Avatars & Networking Unified Simulation

ARRA - Arm Race

BRAINS3 - Behavioral Response Analysis, Integration Network and Simulation for decision Support & Success

DRYAS4 - Dynamic Reactive solution for opponent Yielding based on Artificial intelligent Systems, Simulation and Strategic engineering for Success

BOT1MM - Brochures, promotions and commercial initiatives Original control Tool using 1st class Intelligent retail Management for strategic Marketing, sales, profits and sustainable achievements

CAPIAS - CAbles, Pipelines, marine Infrastructures & Autonomous system: protection & Simulation

WETRAS - Weapon Traffic Simulation

S3EA - Smashing Smuggling by Strategic Engineering Approach

COYOTE for Interactive Training Experience Container terminal & Yard Operator simulator for Training & Education

IT-WETS - Innovative Technologies for Water Education & Training Solutions

ALACRES2 Experiences - Experience to be used in Virtual Lab of Crisis within Ports and Coastal Areas

  • Modeling & Simulation
  • Industrial Logistics
  • Industrial Plant Engineering
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Project Management
  • Biomedical Systems
  • Defense & Homeland Security

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