Autonomous MultiDomain Systems

AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles), USVs (Unmanned Surface Vehicle), UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicles), UAV (Unmanned Arial Vehicles)

Simulation Team MITIM Genoa & Liophant Projects


NIAG SG60 - Simulation Based Design and Virtual Prototyping

TRAMAS Katrina Like- Transportation Management & Simulation, Katrina Like Crisis Simulation

RATS - Riots, Agitators & Terrorists by Simulation

VYC - Virtual Yard Control

VISAT - Virtual Security Assesment and Training

SAR- Simulation and Augmented Reality

IA-CGF - Intelligent Agent Computer Generated Forces

Videos and Demonstrations of Simulation Projects

IA-CGF Units - Intelligent Agents, Computer Generated Forces Units

IA-CGF HB- Intelligent Agents, Computer Generated Forces Human Behaviors

IA-CGF NCF - Intelligent Agents, Computer Generated Forces for Non-Conventional Frameworks NCF

IA-CGF EU - Intelligence Agent Computer Generated Forces Entities & Units

ST-VM - Simulation Team, Full Scope Interoperable Virtual Marine

CGF C4 IT - Computer Generated Forces & C4 for Italian Army

MIAC - Models of Intelligent Agents for Computer Generated Forces

IPHITOS - Interoperable Simulation of a Protection solution based on ligHt Interceptor Tackler operating in Outer Space

DYTACCO - Dynamic Targeting Collateral Damages and Consequences

IA-CGF UCOIN - Intelligence Agent Computer Generated Forces UAV and Counter-Insurgency

ST_VIV - Simulation Team Virtual Intelligent UAV & AUV

MALICIA - Model of Advanced pLanner for Interoperable Computer Interactive Simulation

SIMCJOH VIS & VIC- Simulation of Multi Coalition Joint Operations involving Human Modeling, Virtual Interoperable Simulation & Virtual Interoperable Commander

SIMCJOH - Simulation of Multi Coalition Joint Operations involving Human Modeling

DIEM-SSP - Disasters and Emergencies Management for Safety and Security in industrial Plants

VELA - Virtual Environment, Live systems and Augmented reality

T-REX - Threat network simulation for REactive eXperience

JESSI - Joint Environment for Serious Games, Simulation and Interoperability

DVx2 - Distributed Virtual eXperience and eXercise

MCWS - Marine Cyber Warfare Simulation

PRODICON - Progettazione Integrata, Difesa e Controllo Nave Militare

PIXIS - Interoperable Simulation Requirements for a New Integrated Mast for Military Vessels

S4PT - Safety, Security Simulation System for Port Terminals

JAMS2 - Joint Advanced Marine Security Simulator

JEANS - Joint Environment for Advanced Naval Simulation

IDRASS - Immersive Disaster Relief and Autonomous System Simulation

VOR - Vessel Optimizer and Reconfigurator

ARTEM - Augmented Reality TErrain interoperable Module

ST_CIPROS VIS - Simulation Team Civil Protection Simulator, Virtual Interoperable Simulation

ST_CRISOM - Simulation Team Crisis Simulation, Organization and Management

SMARTCITY Decision Theater

DT - Decision Theater

BIM3S - Building Information Modeling Safety, Security & Simulation

QUICIC - QUIs Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?

SPIDER - Immersive Disaster Relief and Autonomous System Simulation

CRIPEM - CRitical Infrastructure Protection in Extended Maritime framework

FASOLT - Foremost Autonomous Solutions for Operations in industriaL plant

MLEA - Multi Layer Engineering Approach

SISOM - Simulation Solutions based on virtual & augmented reality for Maintenance

SO2UCI - Simulation for Off-Shore, On-Shore & Underwater Critical Infrastructure

MLEA for S&S - Multi Layer Engineering Approach for Safety and Security

ST_TRAIN - Simulation Team Real Time Interoperable Solutions for Training

BLUE Project - The Multi-Layer Engineering Approach at Work for Safety and Security in protection of Humankind's Heritage

COYOTE - Container terminal & Yard Operator simulator for Training & Education

DIES-IRAE - Disasters, Incidents & Emergencies Simulation & Interoperable Relief Advanced Evaluator

DROTHS - DROne THreat Simulator

W-Artemys - Wearable augmented reality for employee safety in manufacturing systems

ARPIAS - Augmented & virtual Reality for Population modeling based on Intelligent Agents

ALACRES2 - Advanced Laboratory for Crisis and Emergencies in Ports and marine domain developed by Simulation within a common collaborative Space

PONTUS - POpulation behavior, social Networks, Transportation, infrastructures and industrial Urban Simulation

TOPRO - Town Protection

VESTIGE - Virus Epidemics Simulation in Towns & Regions for Infection Governance during Emergencies

MINOTAUR - Multipurpose Industrial New Operator & Transport system based on Autonomous Unmanned Robot

CAPIAS - CAbles, Pipelines, marine Infrastructures & Autonomous system: protection & Simulation

WETRAS - Weapon Traffic Simulation

CAPIAS Wargame - CAbles, Pipelines, marine Infrastructures & Autonomous system: protection & Simulation for Wargaming

SMAWAG - Small War Games

ARRA - Arm Race

BRAINS3 - Behavioral Response Analysis, Integration Network and Simulation for decision Support & Success

CW-BRAINS3 - Cognitive Warfare - Behavioral Response Analysis, Integration Network and Simulation for decision Support & Success

S3EA - Smashing Smuggling by Strategic Engineering Approach

CW-SINON - Cognitive Warfare Simulation, artificial Intelligence & Neural networks for modeling human behaviors in Operations, population and social Networks

COYOTE for Interactive Training Experience Container terminal & Yard Operator simulator for Training & Education

IT-WETS - Innovative Technologies for Water Education & Training Solutions

ALACRES2 Experiences - Experience to be used in Virtual Lab of Crisis within Ports and Coastal Areas

FAFN2IR - Feasibility Analysis on the Future of world marine trades due to New North polar routes opened by climate changes and evaluated through Innovative models & new Researches

MISCHIEF - Multiple Interoperable Systems for joint Control of Hybrid threats through Intelligent Extended Fusion

SOAVE - Simulation for Operation and Actions Virtual Experience

CW-BRAINWARE - Cognitive Wargame, Behavioral Response Analysis and Integrated Network simulation for Wargaming Experience

SYWOE - Synthetic War & Operations Environment for Next Generation M&S

SPORT2 - Simulation of Port Operations, Terminal Activities for capability assessment, engineering, planning, policiy development and Training

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