Projects on Plants & Technologies
of the Team of Prof. Agostino Bruzzone at Simulation Team MITIM Genoa University
MIPET - Mastering Industrial Plant Engineering & Technologies
Istituto Idrografico - Trasporti Interni
TEZNAME - Tactics Evaluation & optimiZatioN for Analysis in Medical Environment
Prosim & Prosim2000 - Project Management Simulation
HOSSIAN - Hospital Simulation and Analyzer
VAED - Virtual Aided Engineering & Design
WOLVES - Warehouse Organization and Virtual Environment System
POSEIDON - Port Simulation Environment for Design of Operation and Network
ALIPPO - Virtual Prototyping for Automotive Production & Design
DVEMA-CRANES - Port Crane Simulation
SAN PAOLO 2000 - San Paolo Hospital in Savona: Simulation for Architecture
NIAG SG60 - Simulation Based Design and Virtual Prototyping
MACS - Manufacturing & Assembling Computer Simulator
PUMA - Project for Ultimate Maintenance
COUGAR - Controller & Organizer for Ultimate Government of Availability and Reliability
DISPOS - Availability and Reliability of Postal Automated Production Lines (Disponibilita' di Impianti di Scasellatura POStale)
CARNI - Computer models for Advanced Re-engineering of fresh meat maNagement & dIstribution
COMADREJA - Company Model Analyze Dynamic Reengineering of Joint Activity
FUSE - Fuzzy Logic Schedule Analyzer
LESMEC - LEan Simulation for Improving Small & Medium Size Enterprises Competitiveness
PLACRA - Platform Crew Animation
PROMIT - Project Management in Innovation and Technologies
RAFAS-DP - Risk Analysis & Feasibility Analysis Simulator District Park
RAFAS-PP - Risk Analysis & Feasibility Analysis Simulator Power Plant
RHINO - Re-Engineering Handling and Interport by New Operations
SILLA 2 - The Incinerator of Urban Waste
SIMILO - Ship Micrologistics
SIMOSI - Service Inspection Montecarlo Simulator
APIS - Advaced Pooling Intelligent optimizer & Simulator
MACACO - Modeling Air Craft Analysis for Construction process and Organization
CALYPSO - Carrier Life cYcle Period Simulation & Optimization
ACASO - Advanced Carrier Acquisition and Operation cost Simulation & Optimization
SESISEP - Security Simulation in Sea Ports
DESU-BUMATRAS - Development Support for Front End Design in Bulk Material Transhipment System
VIP-STRALO - Virtual Prototype by Simulation in Transportation and Logistics
LEXIS - Layout EXcellence Integrated Simulation
LEXIS - Layout EXcellence Integrated Simulation for Constructions
LEXIS - Layout EXcellence Integrated Simulation for Ship Building and Ship Yard Control
LEXIS - Layout EXcellence Integrated Simulation for Port Terminals
VYC - Virtual Yard Control
VISAT - Virtual Security Assesment and Training
GreenLog Port- Green Log Simulator for Ports
GreenLog Ship- Green Log Simulator for Ships
GreenLog Cranes- Green Log Simulator for Cranes
GreenLog Heavy Haul- Green Log Simulator for Heavy Haul
PEDES - Pedestrian Simulation
IA-CGF NCF - Intelligent Agents, Computer Generated Forces for Non-Conventional Frameworks NCF
IA-CGF EU - Intelligence Agent Computer Generated Forces Entities & Units
ST_GPC- Simulation Team at Genoa Port Center
ST-VP - Simulation Team, Full Scope Interoperable Virtual Port
ST-VM - Simulation Team, Full Scope Interoperable Virtual Marine
CAPRICORN - CIMIC And Planning Research In Complex Operational Realistic Network
LAPIS - Lean Advanced Pooling Intelligent optimizer & Simulator
MARLON - MARitime LOgistic Network
PIXIS - Interoperable Simulation Requirements for a New Integrated Mast for Military Vessels
S4PT - Safety, Security Simulation System for Port Terminals
DIEM-SSP - Disasters and Emergencies Management for Safety and Security in industrial Plants
VELA - Virtual Environment, Live systems and Augmented reality
T-REX - Threat network simulation for REactive eXperience
IDRASS - Immersive Disaster Relief and Autonomous System Simulation
VOR - Vessel Optimizer and Reconfigurator
PAS - Plant Advanced Simulation
SMARTCITY Decision Theater
DT - Decision Theater
MEGACITY Simulation
BIM3S - Building Information Modeling Safety, Security & Simulation
QUICIC - QUIs Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?
MOSES - Modelling Sustainable Environments through Simulation
SPIDER - Immersive Disaster Relief and Autonomous System Simulation
ERGOS - Ergonomics and Re-engineering for General Production Optimization & Simulation
LEMAS - Lean Manufacturing Simulation
CRIPEM - CRitical Infrastructure Protection in Extended Maritime framework
PROMACO - PROject Management Applied to Concert Organization
FASOLT - Foremost Autonomous Solutions for Operations in industriaL plant
MLEA - Multi Layer Engineering Approach
SISOM - Simulation Solutions based on virtual & augmented reality for Maintenance
SO2UCI - Simulation for Off-Shore, On-Shore & Underwater Critical Infrastructure
MLEA for S&S - Multi Layer Engineering Approach for Safety and Security
BLUE Project - The Multi-Layer Engineering Approach at Work for Safety and Security in protection of Humankind's Heritage
CACTUS - City Analysis of Contamination by Tic/Tim Urban Area Simulation
COYOTE - Container terminal & Yard Operator simulator for Training & Education
DROTHS - DROne THreat Simulator
W-Artemys - Wearable augmented reality for employee safety in manufacturing systems
ARPIAS - Augmented & virtual Reality for Population modeling based on Intelligent Agents
ALACRES2 - Advanced Laboratory for Crisis and Emergencies in Ports and marine domain developed by Simulation within a common collaborative Space
PONTUS - POpulation behavior, social Networks, Transportation, infrastructures and industrial Urban Simulation
TOPRO - Town Protection
GOLF - smart Generator of Logistics & Traffic
VESTIGE - Virus Epidemics Simulation in Towns & Regions for Infection Governance during Emergencies
MINOTAUR - Multipurpose Industrial New Operator & Transport system based on Autonomous Unmanned Robot
I4 D3 A2 - Immersive, Interoperable, Intuitive, Interactive virtual environment for Developing and Delivering training by simulation to operators in Dangerous Areas & Activities
LAPIS2 Lean Advanced Supply Chain Management & Pool Intelligent optimizer & Smart Simulator
CAPIAS - CAbles, Pipelines, marine Infrastructures & Autonomous system: protection & Simulation
WETRAS - Weapon Traffic Simulation
CAPIAS Wargame - CAbles, Pipelines, marine Infrastructures & Autonomous system: protection & Simulation for Wargaming
COYOTE for Interactive Training Experience Container terminal & Yard Operator simulator for Training & Education
Lapis2 Experience - Experience on the use of Lean Advanced Supply Chain Management, Pool AI optimization & Smart Simulation
GA4I - Global Actual Analytics based on Advanced Artificial Intelligence
BRAINS2 - Behavioral Response Analysis, Integration Network and Simulation for Sustainability
IT-WETS - Innovative Technologies for Water Education & Training Solutions
ALACRES2 Experiences - Experience to be used in Virtual Lab of Crisis within Ports and Coastal Areas
EXPLOSAD Experience - EXperience on Process PLant & Operations SAfety Design
CELEBES - Cooperative Engineering Plant, Project Business Exercise & Simulation
SUMBA - Simulation for Ultimate project Management training on Business Advancements in Energy system construction
BABELE - Babel Experience & Lessons
BEES3 - Bulk management within an Enterprise by re-Engineering & Strategies based on Software Solutions
LEXAIS - Lean Excellence integrated with Artificial Intelligence & Simulation
LEXAIS-SBNC - Lean Excellence integrated with Artificial Intelligence & Simulation - Ship Building & Naval Constructions
S2PORE4AL - Simulation Services for PORt operations: Engineering, Efficiency, Effectiveness & Efficacy, Availability for Logistics
SPORT2 - Simulation of Port Operations, Terminal Activities for capability assessment, engineering, planning, policiy development and Training
Modeling & Simulation
Industrial Plant Engineering
Autonomous Systems
Project Management
Biomedical Systems
Defense & Homeland Security
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