The International Workshop on

Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation

The Latvian MISS Center, DMS Riga Technical University and the Latvian Simulation Society
MISS Genoa Center, DIP University of Genoa, Liophant Simulation Club

Riga TU, Latvia, September 18-20, 2003

DAY 1: Thursday, September, 18th, 2003

Registration (Kalku Street, 1): 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Tutorial (Main Hall): 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Design of Experiments: Making Simulation a Corporate Norm
Edward Williams

Welcome Party (Kalku Street 1, Room 201): 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

DAY 2: Friday, September, 19th, 2003

Plenarium (Main Hall) 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Chairperson: Yuri Merkuryev
Speakers: Ivars Knets, Rector of the Riga technical University
Andris Gutmanis, President of Latvian Transport development and Education Association
Agostino Bruzzone, Workshop General Co-Chair
Plenary presentation: Complex Systems Design: A Simulation Approach
Jerzy W. Rozenblit 10:00 am - 10:30 am Coffee Break

MARITIME ENVIRONMENT I (Main Hall) 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Chairperson: Agostino G. Bruzzone
Virtual Reality Support for COPPE/UFRJ Ocean Basin
Gerson Cunha, Maria Celia Santos Lopes, Luiz Landau
HMS2003_4 Modelling the Influence of Human Resources and and investiments in North Adriatic Ports Area over Oligopoly Position of These Ports
Marija Bogataj, Ludvik Bogataj, Robert Vodopivec
HMS2003_5 Policies and Imfrastructures for Pollution Containment Management
Agostino Bruzzone, Marina Massei, Chiara Briano, Simone Viazzo
HMS2003_6 The TSP Statistics and Total Quality Management and Shipping
William Conley
HMS2003_7 Cyclicality on the Oil Tanker Shipping Industry
Albert W. Venstra, Marcel W. Ludema
HMS2003_8 Multi-Level Supply Chain Dependencies
Marcel W. Ludema

SPECIAL BALTPORTS - IT Session (room 219) 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Chairperson: Eberhard Blumel
HMS2003_41 Introduction to BALTPORTS - IT: Applications of Simulation and IT - Solutions in the Baltic Port Areas
Eberhard Blumel, Leonid Novitsky
HMS2003_42 Simulation of Logistics Process at the Baltic Container Terminal: Model Validation and Application
Yuri Merkuryev, Vladimir Bardachenko, Andrey Solomennikov, Fred Kamperman
HMS003_43 The Development of a Generic Simulation System for Ports
Rahila Yazdani, Felix A. Schmidt, George Wilkie
HMS2003_44 Simulation - Based Approach to the Analisys of Logistics Processes at Gdansk Container Terminal
Andrej Dzielinski, Krzysztof Amborski, Przemyslaw Kowalczuk, Jerzy Sukienik
HMS2003_45 Web - Based and Distributed Simulation for Maritime Applications
Marco Schumann, Bernd Gebert, Thomas Schulze
HMS003_46 A Thorny Problem or Common Sence: Evaluating the Efficiency of a Port
Felix a. Schmidt, Rahila Yazdani, Fred Kamperman

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch Restaurant Livonija

MARITIME ENVIRONMENT II (Main Hall) 2:00 pm - 3:40 pm

Chairperson: Edward Williams
HMS2003_9 Extending an Object - Oriented Discrete Event Simulation Framework in Java for Harbor Logistics
Bernd Page, Eugenia Neufield
HMS2003_10 Using Simulation for Chemical Bulk Loading/Unloading Operation
Roberto Revetria
HMS003_11 HLA Simulation for Operating and Analysis and Component Design of Naval Platforms
Agostino Bruzzone, Roberto Revetria, Simone Simeoni, Attilio Rocca, Matteo Brandolini
HMS2003_12 A Less - Flexibility: First Heuristic for the Placement of Iland Vessels in a Lock
Gerrit K. Janssens, Carlo Theunissen
HMS2003_13 Web - Econimical Analysis of a Container Terminal Simulation
Albert W. Venstra, Niels Lang, Bastiaan van de Rakt


Chairperson: Jerzy W. Rozenblit
HMS2003_25 Systematics of Nested Simulation
Eugene Kindler, Ivan Krivy, Alain Tanguy
HMS2003_26 Fuzzy Reverse Approach to Simulation Metamodelling
Galina Merkuryeva
HMS003_27 Object - Oriented Reflective Simulation of Transitic Systems
Pascal Berruet, Thierry Coudert, Eugene Kindler
HMS2003_28 Simulation - Structural Models: Insight into Common and Distinctive Qualities
Zigurds Markovitch, Ieva Markovitcha
HMS2003_29 Mathematical Interpretation of Associative Modelling Problems
Andrejs Matvejevs, Girts Vulfs

SPECIAL BALTPORTS - IT Session (room 219) 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm

Chairperson: Eberhard Blumel
HMS2003_47 The Use of Simulation Models in Maritime Information Systems
Henrikas Pranevicius, Vytautas Pilkauskas
HMS2003_48 Modelling of Maritime Insurance Business Process
L. Novitsky, M. Uhanova, E. Viktorova, V. Rogozin
HMS003_49 Using of LISTechnology for Business Process Analysis at the Transhipment Company JSC Ventamonjaks
Egils Ginters, Laimonis Strujevichs
HMS2003_50 Qualitative Analysis of Port Organisational Structure Characteristics
Janis Grundspenkis, Larisa Isajeva

3:40 pm - 4:20 pm Coffee Break

TRANSPORT LOGISTICS (Main Hall) 4:20 pm - 6:00 pm

Chairperson: Antony Guasch
HMS2003_14 Hybrid Real - Time Simulation of an AGV Fleet
T. Guasch, M. A. Piera, J. Montero, J. Casanovas
HMS2003_15 MKBF, MKTR: New Index for the Maintenance Management in Transport
Domenico Falcone, Alessandro Silvestri, Vincenzo Duraccio
HMS003_16 Airline Seat Inventory Control
Edgars K. Vasermanis, Nicholas A. Nechval, Kostantin N. Nechval
HMS2003_16b Improving Logistical Procedure within a Hospital Inpatient Pharmacy
Edward J. Williams, Vanessa Harp
HMS2003_18 The Algorithms of Negotiation for Software Agents for the Open Conveyer Schedule in Logistics Tasks
Anatoly Levchenkov, Mikhail Gorobetz


Chairperson: Roberto Revetria
HMS2003_30 Towards Logistics Systems Parameter Optimisation through the Use of Response Surfaces
Katrrien Ramaekers, Gerrit K. Janssens, Hendrik van Landeghem
HMS2003_31 Shortest - Length Prediction Intervals for Future Outcomes
Nicholas A. Nechval, Kostantin N. Nechval, Edgars K. Vasermanis
HMS003_32 Effective Access to Historical Data in Temporal Database
Eugene Kopytov, Vitalijs Demidovs
HMS2003_33 A Virtual 3D Environment for Logistics Model
Arnis Lektauers

6:30 pm - 10:30 pm Jurmala Tour

DAY 2: Saturday, September, 20th, 2003

Plenarium (Main Hall) 9:00 am - 10:00 am Chairperson: Yuri Merkuryev
Plenary presentation: Actual and Future Options of Simulation and Optimisation in Manufactoring, Organisation and Logistics
Thomas Wiedemann, Wilfried Krug 10:00 am - 10:30 am Coffee Break

PRODUCTION AND LOGISTICS I (room 219) 10:30 am - 12:20 pm

Chairperson: Marija Bogataj
HMS2003_19 Application of Modelling and Simulation in Analysis and Design of Manufactoring Systems
Edward Ghlebus, Arkagiusz Kowalski
HMS2003_20 Development of Computer Simulation Systems for Production Process in Metallurgy
Stanislav A. Vlasov
HMS003_21 Wood Production Industry: Integrated Systems Approach and Applications
Edgars Palacis
HMS2003_22 Simulation Based Scheduling for Batch Anodising Processes
Galina Merkuryeva, Nigel Shires, Richard Morrison, Mark de Reuver
HMS2003_23 Simulation and Knowledge Based Scheduling of Manufacturing Operations
Janis Grabis, Girts Vulfs
HMS2003_24 Simulation of a Mechanism for the Active Dimension Control and Workpiece Support Device in Manufacturing
Andrejus Henrikas Marcinkevicius

TRAINING AND EDUCATION I (Main Hall) 10:30 am - 12:10 pm

Chairperson: Gaby Neumann
HMS2003_34 LOGIS: Network for Knowledge Dissemination in Logistics Information Systems
Egils Ginters, Liene Kreicere
HMS2003_A1 State Educational Standards of Logistics Specialization and Development of the System of Higher Education in Logistics in Russia
Valentina V. Dybskaja
HMS003_35 Research and Education in Freight Transport Logistics in Latvia
Andris Gutmanis, Igor Kabashkin, Yuri Merkuryev
HMS2003_36 Training and Education of Seafarers
Juris Cimanskis, Valdis Priednieks, Aleksandrs-Modris Pavlovskis, Andris Unbedahs, Janis Kokars
HMS2003_A2 Specifics of Case Study Usage in Programmes of Additional Education
Alla Sterligova

SPECIAL BALTPORTS - IT Session (room 119) 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Chairperson: Eberhard Blumel
10:30 am - 12:30 pm BALTPORTS - IT Project Meeting

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch Restaurant Livonija

TRAINING AND EDUCATION II (Main Hall) 2:00 pm - 3:40 pm

Chairperson: Gaby Neumann
HMS2003_37 LOGIS: Development of Distance Learning Activities at the Polish Centre of Competence for Logistics
Piotr Cyplik, Stanislaw Krzyzaniak, Krzystof Szymanski
HMS2003_38 Simulation in a Problrm-Based e-Learning Environment for Logistic
Gaby Neumann
HMS003_39 Support of Container Treminal Design Using Simulation Models Jointly
Edwin C. Valentin, Krzystof Amborski
HMS2003_40 SITA2000 - Research Systems of Models with Discrete Events for Educational and Practical Purposes
Janis Sedols, Madars Rikards

Discussion: Future of Education in Logistics

SPECIAL BALTECH SESSION (room 219) 2:00 pm - 3:40 pm

Chairperson: Leonids Ribiskis
HMS2003_51 The use of Software Agents in Power Energy Logistics
Nadezhda Kunicina, Anatoly Levchenkov, Leonids Ribickis
HMS2003_52 Simulation - Based Design of Supply Chains with SIMFLEX
Yuri Merkuryev, Oksana Burska, John Sedej
HMS003_53 Transformation of Aggregate Specification to the Predicate Logic Models
Henrikas Pranevicius, Regina Miseviciene, Vilius Misevicius
HMS2003_54 Optimal Decomposition of Large - Scale Systems
Tiit Riisma, Otu Vaarmann
HMS2003_55 Intelligent Geoinformation Systems for Modelling and Simulation
Ruslan P. Sorokin, Sergey S. Shaida, ALexander V. Smirnov

15:50 am - 16:20 am Coffee Break

Sum Up Plenarium (Main Hall) 4:20 pm - 5:20 pm

Chairperson: Agostino G. Bruzzone
Speakers: Jerzy W. ROzenblit, Wilfried Krug, Edward Williams, Eberhard Blumel, Yuri Merkuryev, Gerson Cunha

Old Riga Guided Tour: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Gala Dinner "Black Heads House" 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

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